2017. December 12.

Deadline: 16 February 2018

2017. November 02.

The official Halloween party of the Faculty of Economics and Business administration (GTK) took place on Friday, 27 October 2017, in Széchenyi Café. The students who participated in the event had a great and cheerful night: music, dances and a customs contest contributed to making the atmosphere extremely enjoyable.

2017. October 11.

For the first time ever, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration organized a daily trip for its international students who enrolled to the University of Szeged in September 2017. On Saturday 7th October, they went to Szarvas, where they visited the mini Hungary exhibition.

2017. September 22.

The start of the new academic year was quite a cheerful and celebratory occasion for students who performed excellently in the previous academic year. The day of the Faculty Scholarship Ceremony, 15th September was an honourable day in the Faculty’s life.

2017. September 11.

ProCivicStat International Statistics Conference at the GTK

2017. September 08.

4th September 2017 marked the beginning of the official registration week for the new international students coming to the University of Szeged from all corners of the world.

2017. August 28.

In keeping with the Hungarian Higher Education Act, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged (’GTK’) announces an application for teacher’s assistant positions for the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year in order to involve the most competent applicants in the Faculty’s teaching work and prepare them for their professional career.

2017. August 02.
2017. July 18.

On 7th July 2017 new economists were awarded their well-earned degrees: students of professional higher education programmes, Bachelor and Master level students and students of post-graduation programmes, altogether 185 graduates lined up to receive their economist degrees during two ceremonies starting from 10 am and 1 pm in the University Library.

2017. June 08.
2017. May 23.

A university is not merely an institution providing qualification and theoretical knowledge, it is a place that serves as a solid base for its students’ future goals and motivations. Universities therefore often invite well known professionals asking them to share their career growth and success stories with young, aspiring professionals.

2017. May 08.

Once a year the faculty of Economics and Administration of the University of Szeged arranges a Sports Day for the students. This report is about our visit on this Sports Day at the 3rd May 2017.

2017. April 22.
2017. April 06.

29th March marked an event hosted by TIK which caused a huge excitement among soon-to-be graduates.

2017. March 31.

Challenges in National and International Economic Policies workshop

2017. March 31.

4/4/2017 – 5/4/2017

2017. March 24.

On 10th of April come and show that You are the best speaker!

2017. March 17.

The second event of the newly born international club “Mind Bogglers” took place last Friday, 10 March in the Faculty building, under the heading “Speakers’ Corner”.

2017. March 17.

David Coleman’s lecture

2017. March 07.

“University life is not only about studies and parties.”- that was a commonly shared claim which brought together 4 students of the faculty.

2017. March 01.

Friday, 24th February is a proudly recognized day of the year for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

2017. February 23.

Building a high performing service culture

2017. February 23.

This year’s biggest P&G competition is the CEO Challange for which you can apply if you are a 3rd, 4th or 5th year student.

2017. February 10.

The graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration took place on 20th January 2017. Altogether 73 students were awarded their well earned degrees, officially becoming professional economists.

2017. February 07.

Deadline: 5 March 2017

2017. January 27.
2017. January 25.

On 12th January 2017 enquirers could attend the habilitation presentation of Dr. Péter Kovács in Szeged.

2017. January 17.

We cordially invite statistics educators, math teachers, teacher educators, and all educators who use statistics to attend.

2017. January 17.

9th International Week at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, is organized in Szeged, Hungary on 3-7 April, 2017.

2017. January 11.

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Do you love electronic music? Would you like to unwind and recharge at a vibrant event after the exam period? Then mark your calendar for February 17 (Monday) – you won’t want to miss this!


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