
Kovács PéterDear Guests, dear Visitors,

Let me welcome you warmly and respectfully to the website of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. As an education center and a busy economic workshop the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Szeged is a place where economists of the present and the future can cross paths. Our institution is now the Alma Mater of generations of knowledgeable professionals.

Experts in Southern Hungary first encouraged the founding of an economic training programme in 1994. By 1999 they envisioned an independent Faculty, a higher education institution where the region’s future economic developers and leaders could begin their professional training. Although the Faculty went through numerous changes throughout the following years, its leaders have always honoured the original vision of the founders. This strong commitment is the reason why the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration could remain a respected research workshop always in active cooperation with the corporate and institutional sphere – an Alma Mater where experts and professionals help students from their very first day they set foot in the University of Szeged.

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is an attractive choice for students looking to start their higher education due largely to our central values of partnership, youthfulness and an anthropocentric attitude. Our cooperation with future employers goes beyond simple research commissions and offers numerous scholarships; the lifelong trust and respect we build between students is the basis not only of enduring friendships but also of talent development. This honest respect for each other is what gathers Szegedian economists into such a cohesive community, a community its members can benefit from both in their professional and personal lives.

Dear Visitor! I hope you will find many useful pieces of information on our website, get to know our training programmes for economists and eventually honour us with your personal visit.

Dr. Péter Kovács