IDEC PBL aims to improve the quality of education with integrating project-based learning in the field of international development cooperation. The project aims to build on the digital capacities of the students and react to the current megatrend of digitalization, thus the IDEC PBL partnership will create a digital and online available serious game in the field of international development cooperation, with a special focus on Africa.
Our project “Ulysses Contest – Digital Student Competition on Family Business” (ULYSSES) focuses on university students that are keen to gather practical entrepreneurial learning experiences and want to enhance their digital skills. ULYSSES will provide this combined chance by setting up the 1st digital European student competition that focuses explicitly on family businesses.
EICAA is an Erasmus+ funded Knowledge Alliance with a duration of 3 years. It aims to develop a digital platform for the assessment and development of entrepreneurial competences. This will enable universities, companies and other organisations to carry out profiling and monitoring of entrepreneurial competences (e.g. among students or employees).
The aims of the project are to:
The Partnership for Initial Teachers Education (PIETE) was created with the idea of forming a generation of entrepreneurial teachers in the EU. To do so, PIETE has been generating awareness among ITE educators about the importance of entrepreneurial competence development. It's core aim to establish a profound knowledge base for the benefits of EE and facilitate deliverance of entrepreneurial competence development with ITE specific teaching material.
The ISGEE partnership develops a free online game called “Entrepoly” that is focused on entrepreneurial competence development among university students. The game is accompanied by a variety of useful resources – such as a comprehensive teaching toolkit – which facilitates educators to ignite entrepreneurial thinking and action during their lectures.