Community engagement

It is exceptionally important for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration to promote equality and social justice in its educational and research activities as part of the local community and in cooperation with the local community. We created cooperation ties with local civil society organizations both in the fields of education and research. These local civil society organizations support vulnerable groups and help them in representing their interests.

The Faculty adapted the methodology of service learning. Service learning means completing community service in the framework of a course and reflecting upon the service with the help of teacher mentors. Besides our colleagues from other Faculties of the university, numerous civil partners cooperate with us in this endeavour.

  • ÁGOTA Alapítvány (ÁGOTA Foundation)
  • Hallássérült Gyermekekért Egyesület (Association for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children)
  • Elszalasztott Ezerév KHE Roma Tanoda (“Missed 1000 Years” Association – Afternoon School for Roma Children)
  • Motiváció Oktatási Egyesület (Motivation Educational Association)
  • Napos Oldal a Sérült Emberekért Alapítvány (Sunny Side Foundation for the People with Disabilities)
  • Patrónus Hálózat (Patronage Network)
  • Sclerosis Multiplexes Betegek Csongrád-Csanád Megyei Egyesülete (Csongrád-Csanád County Association for People with Multiple Sclerosis)
  • Szegedi LMBT Közösségért Csoport (LGBT Group Szeged)
  • Szegedi Focus Műhely Alapítvány - Homo Ludens Project (Homo Ludens Project)
  • Szeretetláda Karitatív Egyesület (“Generous Box” Charity Association)
  • SZTE Egyetemi Életvezetési Tanácsadó Központ Kortárs Aid csoportja (Student Counselling Centre of the University of Szeged Contemporary Support Group)
  • Vakok és Gyengénlátók Csongrád Megyei Egyesülete (Csongrád-Csanád County Association for Visually Impaired People)
  • Fortély-sátor Alapítvány (“Crafty Tent” Foundation)