Dr. habil. Péter Kovács
Dean, Head of the Department
Magdolna Laurinyecz
institute administrator
Mercédesz Mészáros
assistant lecturer
Supervisor: Dr. habil. Dávid Kiss Gábor
Office hours: as appointed in advance in e-mail
Máté Csiki
PhD student
Supervisor: Dr. György Kovács and Dr. Dávid Kiss Gábor
Andor Máté
Supervisor: Dr. György Kovács
Dániel Szládek
assistant research fellow
Office hours: as appointed in advance in e-mail
The Institute has a major role in organizing the Finance and Accounting BA degree programme (focusing on subjects of Corporate Finance, Banking, Security Markets, Public Finance and Accounting), the International Economy and Business MA degree programme (including courses such as International Economics, International Finance, International Strategic Management and Global Marketing) and the Economy and Public Policy MA degree programme (including courses such as Financial Politics and Management of Public Finances. Special emphasis is placed on some particular sectoral policies like Educational Economy, Health Economy and the Economy of Municipalities).
The Research Profile of the Institute embraces the following main areas: