2021.06.30. - 2023.06.29.
What is the aim of Ulysses
'Ulysses Contest – Digital Student Competition on Family Business', a.k.a. Ulysses aims at making sure that university students get to know the special circumstances and challenges of running a family firm. At the same time, the contest is designed to improve the problem solving skills of students, while developing their digital competences.
University student teams are looking into the real-life problems of Austrian, Italian and Hungarian family firms, finding possible solutions to the challenges, while deepening the knowledge students acquired during their university studies.
What results do we expect from Ulysses?
Dr. habil. Szabolcs Prónay
associate professor
Institute of Business Studies
Department of Marketing
Dr. Anita Kéri
assistant professor
Institute of Business Studies
Department of Marketing
Dr. Edit Lippai-Makra
assistant professor
Institute of Financial and Economic Analysis
Department of Accounting
Dr. Balázs Tóth
assistant professor
Institute of Financial and Economic Analysis
Department of Accounting
Dr. Mónika Imreh-Tóth
assistant professor
Institute of Business Studies
Department of Family Business Studies
Ulysses Contest is a complex case study team competition which is based on the solution of case studies compiled about family firms specifically targeted under the framework of the project. A complex collection of case studies presents the practical problems of local family firms in a way that they could be solved by the entrepreneurship competences set out in the EntreComp Framework.
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