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Building a high performing service culture

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration invites David Coleman, a performance improvement specialist from the United Kingdom to give a lecture at 18:00 pm on 6 March 2017 in the Faculty main building.

David Coleman is an author, TEDx speaker and performance improvement specialist, with 30 years experience in both directing and advising well-known organisations.

David has built a reputation for his thought leadership on the popular subject of ‘staff engagement’ and his ability to draw out the potential within teams and individuals alike. His new book ‘The Path to Engagement’ is a step-by-step guide for creating significant uplifts in performance through building highly engaged teams.

David’s history as a pioneer of the UK’s first contact centre in 1982, founder of an international performance improvement consultancy and directorship level roles within prime global brands such as HSBC, Standard Life and Aviva, have provided David with a unique knowledge of leadership best practice and staff engagement.

The lecture will focus on three areas that are key to running and directing a successful customer service operation. Whilst the lecture is primarily aimed at customer service operations, the principles covered are relevant for any leadership roles where managing people is involved:

  • The importance of staff engagement and building a culture where people ‘want’ to come to work and consistently give an excellent level of service. The talk will particularly focus on practical things you can do as a manager and will draw on examples from leading global service providers.
  • Communication and leadership style. Developing the right communication style is critical to building a successful service operation. The talk will uncover a highly effective model used by inspirational leaders and show you how to include it into your own style.
  • Understanding leverage. Knowing where and what to look for in an operations’ management information can be the difference between poor or outstanding performance. We will discover the ‘six illnesses’ many operations unknowingly suffer from and more importantly, how to diagnose and cure them.

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