
Congratulations to the freshly graduated economists!

On 7th July 2017 new economists were awarded their well-earned degrees: students of professional higher education programmes, Bachelor and Master level students and students of post-graduation programmes, altogether 185 graduates lined up to receive their economist degrees during two ceremonies starting from 10 am and 1 pm in the University Library.

The ceremony was further elated by the awarding of the „Discipuli pro Universitate” prize sponsored by the GTK Student Union to Gergely Szántó, a finance and accounting major. This prize is given to one student per faculty who has made outstanding contributions to the university’s student organisations and has also performed exceptionally throughout his/her studies.


In the June 2017 final examination period we have graduates in the fully English-taught International Economy and Business Master Programme for the third time. However, this occasion is special in several terms. Firstly, this is the first time that Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders, a Lao and a Mongolian, are getting their degrees. Secondly, among the 11 students now graduating in the Programme, 4 are getting degrees from partner institutions in parallel, in our double degree programmes: from the University of Pavia (Italy) and from Normandy Business School (France). One of the 4 double degree students is an Italian national and originally a student from Pavia while another one of them is continuing her studies and her already ongoing research in our doctoral programme.


As Dean Dr. Márton Vilmányi highlighted in his celebratory speech: „Your task now will be to safeguard the economic equilibrium at a given company, a public institution or – in the broader sense – in economic planning. It is not always a popular job to create the well needed balance between future desires and present opportunities, between the goals of communities and other groups. It is in itself a deeply admirable mission: impossible, yet wonderful.”

Dr. Vilmányi concluded his speech by wishing good fortune to the new graduates: „I wish that your work be led by constructive forces every day. Work miracles to make communities successful and through your work become excellent professionals yourselves! I wish all of you a very fruitful professional career and a truly happy life.”

We congratulate our freshly graduated students and wish them all the success in the world!

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