“Enjoy more growth, happiness and success”

David Coleman’s lecture

It was a great honour for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration to host David Coleman, performance improvement specialist and TED Speaker from the United Kingdom, in the Faculty main building on March 6, 2017. The evening with David Coleman involved discussions with students and a session acquainting the audience with how to be successful and how to keep an optimistic attitude toward routine daily issues.

The session was labelled with the heading “Enjoy more growth, happiness and success”. The speaker mostly focused on the comparison of the habits and attitudes people hold when they feel sad or experience monotony in their lifestyle, with those they have when they feel happy and appreciative. The comparison was followed by practical advice on how to overcome these difficulties in our careers and in our daily lifestyle.

Throughout the lecture, David Coleman frequently referred to the term “engagement”, emphasizing the importance of total involvement in what you are doing. The lecturer successfully accomplished the mission of spreading his positive message to the audience as it was obvious from applauses and the positive feedback on how motivational the session was.