European Economic Integration Theory Revisited

European Economic Integration Theory Revisited

Challenges in National and International Economic Policies workshop

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged, with the support of EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Studies) organised a workshop on 23-24 March, with the topic ‘European Economic Integration Theory Revisited’. In the scientific event organised by Magdolna Sass, Beáta Farkas, Éva Voszka and Anita Pelle, participants and others interested could listen to two keynote lectures. Xavier Richet, professor at Sorbonne Nouvelle of Paris sees four scenarios of the future of Europe on his behalf, ranging from the maintenance of the status quo to proceeding further or falling apart. The main message of his lecture was that any step back inevitably leads to disintegration, sooner or later. Tibor Palánkai, professor at Corvinus University of Budapest discussed the issue in a wider context and on a philosophical level, and has proved to be more optimistic. In his view, European integration is far beyond point of return, therefore the only option is to go forward, this should be the framework for thinking.

The workshop then continued in sessions where the international researchers discussed the effects of the crisis, the future of the Eurozone and the Single Market, the impact of economic inequalities on European integration, and Central and Eastern Europe, our direct region.

In parallel with the event the 2nd Central European PhD Workshop on Economic Policy was organised, during which more than 20 PhD students from several countries presented their research in 6 sessions and received feedback and guidance for their future work.