Faculty  --  Staff


Prof. Dr. Zoltán Bajmócy

Institute of Ecological Economics

Prof. Dr. Károly Barakonyi
honorary university professor

Institute of Business Studies
Division of Marketing & Management

Andrea Béla-Csovcsics
assistant lecturer

Institute of Business Studies
Department of Marketing

Boglárka Méreiné Dr. Berki
assistant professor

Institute of Ecological Economics

Kinga Bödő
study coordinator

Dean's Office
Study Office

Regina Bodó
assistant lecturer

Institute of Financial and Economic Analysis
Department of Statistics and Demography

  • bodo.regina@szte.hu
  • KO-316

Krisztián Bojti
IT administrator

Dean's Office

Dr. Judit Boros
Head of Student Office, HR administrator

Dean's Office
Study Office

Éva Szabina Bundság
PhD student, marketing coordinator

Dean's Office

Luca Nóra Csák
Talent Manager and Alumni Coordinator

Dean's Office

Evelin Diszterhöft
institute administrator

Institute of Economics and Economic Development

Judit Dús
institute administrator

Institute of Business Studies

Prof. Dr. Beáta Farkas

Institute of International Economics and Business

Zsóka Farkas
e-learning programme manager

Dean's Office

Gabriel Temesgen Woldu
research fellow

Institute of Economics and Economic Development
Department of Theoretical Economics

  • +3662/544-676
  • KO-310
Fogadóóra: Szerda 10:00-11:00 (szorgalmi időszakban)

    Dr. Ábel Garamhegyi
    associate professor

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Marketing

    Dr. Judit Gébert
    assistant professor

    Institute of Ecological Economics

    Dr. Klára Glózik
    research fellow

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Tourism

    Zsófia Gyulai
    assistant lecturer

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Marketing

    Lilla Hertelendy
    event organiser

    Dean's Office

    Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Hetesi

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Marketing

    Dr. Judit Juhász
    research fellow

    Institute of Ecological Economics

    Prof. Dr. Tamás Katona
    professor emeritus

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Statistics and Demography

    Dr. Anita Kéri
    assistant professor

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Marketing

    Dr. habil. Gábor Dávid Kiss
    associate professor

    Institute of Financial and Economic Analysis
    Department of Finance

    Dr. Andreász Kosztopulosz
    associate professor

    Institute of Financial and Economic Analysis
    Department of Finance

    Dr. György Kovács
    associate professor

    Institute of Financial and Economic Analysis
    Department of Finance

    Melinda Kovács
    international relations coordinator

    Dean's Office
    International Office

    Gabriella Maczkó
    study coordinator

    Dean's Office
    Study Office

    Barbara Masa
    GTK Career Office coordinator

    Dean's Office

    Dr. Eszter Megyeri
    assistant professor

    Institute of International Economics and Business

    Dr. Barbara Mihók
    research fellow

    Institute of Ecological Economics

    Melinda Molnárné Rómer
    institute administrator

    Institute of Business Studies

    Nikoletta Nádas
    assistant research fellow

    Institute of Economics and Economic Development
    Department of Regional Economic Development

    • nadas.nikoletta@eco.u-szeged.hu
    • +3662/544-186
    • KO-309
    •  CV

    Dr. habil. Anita Pelle
    associate professor

    Institute of International Economics and Business

    Dr. habil. Szabolcs Prónay
    associate professor

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Marketing

    Prof. Dr. Bertalan Pusztai
    professor, Head of Department of Media and Communication

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Tourism

    Dr. Ildikó Pusztai-Varga
    Director of International Affairs

    Dean's Office
    International Office

    Prof. Dr. Gábor Rekettye
    honorary university professor

    Institute of Business Studies
    Division of Marketing & Management

    Dr. Balázs Révész
    associate professor

    Institute of Business Studies
    Department of Marketing

    Dr. Klára Schneider
    honorary associate professor

    Institute of Financial and Economic Analysis
    Department of Finance

    Dr. Sarolta Somosi
    assistant professor

    Institute of International Economics and Business

    Izabella Szakálné Dr. habil. Kanó
    associate professor

    Institute of Economics and Economic Development
    Department of Theoretical Economics

    Prof. Dr. Miklós Szanyi

    Institute of International Economics and Business

    Katalin Székely-Dávid
    study coordinator

    Dean's Office
    Study Office

    Zsuzsanna Szilágyiné Séra
    student counsellor

    Dean's Office
    Study Office

    Györgyi Szobota
    head of office

    Dean's Office

    Krisztina Tarcsa
    study coordinator

    Dean's Office
    Study Office

    Gyöngyi Toronyné Páncsics
    study coordinator

    Dean's Office
    Study Office

    Dr. Beáta Udvari
    associate professor

    Institute of Ecological Economics

    Beáta Varga
    education coordinator

    Dean's Office
    Education Coordinators' Office

    Mónika Zákány
    project manager

    Dean's Office

    Tünde Zám
    study coordinator

    Dean's Office
    Study Office

    Alexandra Zélity
    financial administrator, HR administrator

    Dean's Office