Dr. Gábor Bodnár
assistant professor
Institute of Economics and Economic Development
Department of Regional Economic Development
Education and academic degrees:
(2016) PhD, Economics, University of Szeged
(2011) Management Engineer, Szent István University, Békéscsaba
(2010) Master of Economics, University of Szeged
(2008) Economist (majoring in Finance) Tessedik Sámuel College, Békéscsaba
Professional experience:
(from September 1, 2018) research fellow/assistant professor, University of Szeged
(2017-2018) Assistant Professor, Szent István University, Békéscsaba
(2015-2018) Lecturer, University of Szeged
(2011-2016) Assistant Lecturer, Szent István University, Békéscsaba
Teaching activity:
Bachelor level:
− Regional economic and enterprise development (in Hungarian)
− Microeconomics (both in Hungarian and English)
− Macroeconomics (in Hungarian)
− Basics of economics (in Hungarian)
− Economic policy (in Hungarian)
− Research Methodology (in Hungarian)
Master level:
− Economic and business development of regions (in Hungarian)
PhD level:
− Basics of Research Methodology (both in Hungarian and English)
− Publication Seminar (in English)
Talent management:
− Number of students participating in local TDK (SZIE and SZTE): 15
− Number of students participating in the OTDK: 2
Research fields:
examining spatial differentials using multivariate methods
spatial differences in endogenous development
analysis of rural/less favoured areas
economic restructuring in the Central and Eastern European region
Publication activity:
Hungarian Scientific Bibliography (MTMT)
Google Scholar
Participation in research projects:
− researcher, research group, „Territorial inequalities and structural change in the age of digitalization” research group, Digital Society Competence Centre of the Humanities and Social Sciences Cluster of the Centre of Excellence for Interdisciplinary Research, Development and Innovation of the University of Szeged
− researcher, Modernisation of academic and research work and career paths in the Szent István University of Békés County, TÁMOP 4.2.2B-15/1/KONV; awarded grant: 58.159.200 HUF; 2015
− researcher, The Ministry of Rural Development's 2013 tender for the preservation and development of farms and farmland areas in the lowlands - "Support for municipal and regional development" (TP-1-2013), 2013-2014
− Researcher, Development of the "Maintenance and Operation Strategy" as part of the project "A-B EXPO - Joint EXPO, Joint PIAC - Economic and Trade Stimulation in Arad and Békés Counties", 2012
− faculty direct contributor tasks, Development of a complex system of talent management and research training at Szent István University, TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0011; awarded grant: 460.577.027 HUF; 2011-2013
− faculty administrator, Support for talent workshops and research workshops in the framework of scientific student groups at faculties and departments of higher education institutions, NTP-OKA-XXII-086; awarded grant: 887.500 HUF; 2011
− Financial Assistant to the Faculty, For quality and modern higher education at Szent István University, TÁMOP-4.1.1.A-10/1/KONV; total budget: 460 583 587 HUF; 2010-2012
Scientific public activities:
(2019-) member, Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(2018-) member, RSAI - Regional Science Association International
(2018-) member, ERSA - European Regional Science Association
(2010-) member, MRTT - Hungarian Regional Science Association
(2021-2022) Editor-in-Chief, Committee on Regional Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Newsletter
Activities in university public life:
(2021-2022) member, SZTE Faculty of Business and Economics Credit Transfer Committee
(2020-2021) Secretary, SZTE Doctoral School of Economics
Awards and honours:
(2022) Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship - Postdoctoral Fellowship (MAEO 2021-22/166037), March-June 2022 (4 months)
(2017-2018) New National Excellence Programme Scholarship for Young Teachers and Researchers in Higher Education (ÚNKP-17-4-I/SZIE-28)
(2016-2017) National Talent Program - National Scholarship for Young Talent (NTP-NFTÖ-16-0372)
(2009) 3rd place in the competition "Sustainable regional development" of the Institute of World and Regional Economics of the University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics; 2009. My thesis was entitled: The evolution of regional differences in society and economy in the NUTS-II regions of the European Union and candidate countries until accession - Convergence, divergence, sustainability
Language skills:
(2020) English Advanced (level C1), complex
(2013) German basic (level B1), complex