Faculty  --  Staff

Dr. Árpád Kovács - CV

Name: Prof. Dr. Árpád Kovács PhD Year of birth: 1948
  • Certified Civil Engineer, Budapest University of Technology; 1971
  • Certified Organisational Engineer, Budapest University of Technology; 1977
  • University (technology) doctor, University (technology) doctor; 1979
Academic degree / Academic title, membership:
  • PhD (economics sciences) 2001
  • Habilitation, 2003
Teaching experience:
2006 –
Public Asset Management
2005 –
Financial Policy
2005 –
Public Finance Policy
1997 –
Dealing with Privatisation
1990 –
Financial Audit
1990 –
Managing Public Finance

Number of years spent in education: 16 years

Work experience and achievements:
1971 – 1975
designing engieneer (UVATERV Highway Office)
1975 – 1979
senior rapporteur (Ministry of Transportation and Postal Services)
1979 – 1986
economic expert (KNEB-Central People's Control Commitee)
1986 – 1990
head of department (KNEB-Central People's Control Commitee)
1989 – 1989
study visit (General Accounting Office of the USA)
1990 – 1996
senior head of department, director (Stat Audit Office of Hungary)
1993 – 1993
study visit (Department of Economic and Financial Matters, European Commission)
1996 – 1997
chairman (State Privatisations and Holding Co.)
1997 – 2009
president (State Audit Office of Hungary)
2008 – 2012
associate professor (ELTE JATE (Eötvös Lorán University - József Attila University) Faculty of Statistics and Economy)
2009 –
university professor (University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Aministration)
2010 – 2012
board member (Hungarian National Asset Management Inc.)
2010 – 2012
chairman of the supervisory board (MVM-Hungarian Electricity Ltd.)
2010 – 2012
chairman of the supervisory board (Centre for Budapest Transport Inc.)
2010 – 2012
chairman of the supervisory board (Budapest Urban Management Inc.)
2010 – 2012
chairman of the supervisory board of direcotrs (Aranykor Health Fund)
2010 – 2012
chairman of the supervisory board of direcotrs (Aranykor Voluntary and Private Pension Fund)
2012 –
chairman (Fiscal Council of Hungary)
2014 –
member (Hungarian State Reform Committe)
Professional, scientific work in connection with the subjects taught:
  1. 5 most significant publications of the past 5 years
    • Kovács Árpád: Vázlatos betekintés a közpénzügyi döntéshozatalba. Budapest: Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet (OFI), 2014. 307 p.
    • Kovács Árpád: Independent Fiscal Institutions in the Countries of Eastern-Central Eurpoe. GLOBAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS RESEARCH 14:(7) pp. 45-58. (2014)
    • Kovács Árpád: Költségvetési Tanácsok Közép-Kelet-Európa országaiban/Fiscal Councils in the Countries of Eastern-Central Europe. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY 3: pp. 345-363. (2014)
    • Kovács Árpád: Crisis Management similarities and Differences in the Newly Accessed Central and Eastern Europien Countries. In: Farkas Beáta (szerk.) The Aftermath of the Global Crisis in the European Union. 280 p. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. pp. 152-177.
    • Kovács Árpád: An outline of determinations of the past two decades of Hungarian public finance. In: Farkas Beáta (szerk.) Studies in International Economics and Finance. Szeged: JATEPress, 2011. pp. 105-124. (ISBN:978-963-315-055-9)
  2. 5 most important scientific publications of the scientific life’s work
    • Kovács Árpád: Vázlatos betekintés a közpénzügyi döntéshozatalba.. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó 2014, 307 pp. (megjelenés alatt)
    • Kovács Árpád: Crisis Management similarities and Differences in the Newly Accessed Central and Eastern Europien Countries. In: Farkas Beáta (szerk.) The Aftermath of the Global Crisis in the European Union. 280 p. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. pp. 152-177.
    • Kovács Árpád, Báger Gusztáv, Gidai Erzsébet: Privatizáció Magyarországon 1-2. k.. Budapest: Állami Számvevőszék Fejlesztési és Módszertani Intézet, 2004. 500 p.
    • Kovács Árpád: KÖZPÉNZÜGYEK. Budapest: ELTE - Eötvös Kiadó, 2010. 379 p.
    • Kovács Árpád: Competitiveness and modernization of public finances: selecting and action scenario in Hungary following EU accession. OECD JOURNAL ON BUDGETING 6:(3) pp. 69-92. (2007)
Professional/scientific public activity, international collaborations, honours:


  • Public Association of the Hungarian Financial and Economic Auditors, co-chairman from 2010, 1998
  • Association of Management and Scientific Companies, 2001
  • INTOSAI (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions), Governing Board, 2004
  • Editorial Board of Public Finance Quarterly, 2005
  • Hungarian Economic Association, 2008
  • Economic Council, University of Szeged, 2011
  • Baross Gábor National Association for Patronising the Economy, 2011
  • Doctoral Committee of Social Sciences, University of Szeged, 2013


Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, Officer’s Cross
Magyary Zoltán Medal
Grand Decoration of Gold with Star of the Republic of Austria
Grand Prix for Economics
Calvin Medal
Golden Medal of the Hungarian National Assembly
Pro Universitate - University of Szeged
Language competences:
Language Level Type of exam
English C1 complex