Name: Prof. Dr. Árpád Kovács PhD |
Year of birth: 1948 |
Qualifications: |
- Certified Civil Engineer, Budapest University of Technology; 1971
- Certified Organisational Engineer, Budapest University of Technology; 1977
- University (technology) doctor, University (technology) doctor; 1979
Academic degree / Academic title, membership: |
- PhD (economics sciences) 2001
Teaching experience: |
- 2006 –
- Public Asset Management
- 2005 –
- Financial Policy
- 2005 –
- Public Finance Policy
- 1997 –
- Dealing with Privatisation
- 1990 –
- Financial Audit
- 1990 –
- Managing Public Finance
Number of years spent in education: 16 years
Work experience and achievements: |
- 1971 – 1975
- designing engieneer (UVATERV Highway Office)
- 1975 – 1979
- senior rapporteur (Ministry of Transportation and Postal Services)
- 1979 – 1986
- economic expert (KNEB-Central People's Control Commitee)
- 1986 – 1990
- head of department (KNEB-Central People's Control Commitee)
- 1989 – 1989
- study visit (General Accounting Office of the USA)
- 1990 – 1996
- senior head of department, director (Stat Audit Office of Hungary)
- 1993 – 1993
- study visit (Department of Economic and Financial Matters, European Commission)
- 1996 – 1997
- chairman (State Privatisations and Holding Co.)
- 1997 – 2009
- president (State Audit Office of Hungary)
- 2008 – 2012
- associate professor (ELTE JATE (Eötvös Lorán University - József Attila University) Faculty of Statistics and Economy)
- 2009 –
- university professor (University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Aministration)
- 2010 – 2012
- board member (Hungarian National Asset Management Inc.)
- 2010 – 2012
- chairman of the supervisory board (MVM-Hungarian Electricity Ltd.)
- 2010 – 2012
- chairman of the supervisory board (Centre for Budapest Transport Inc.)
- 2010 – 2012
- chairman of the supervisory board (Budapest Urban Management Inc.)
- 2010 – 2012
- chairman of the supervisory board of direcotrs (Aranykor Health Fund)
- 2010 – 2012
- chairman of the supervisory board of direcotrs (Aranykor Voluntary and Private Pension Fund)
- 2012 –
- chairman (Fiscal Council of Hungary)
- 2014 –
- member (Hungarian State Reform Committe)
Professional, scientific work in connection with the subjects taught: |
- 5 most significant publications of the past 5 years
- Kovács Árpád: Vázlatos betekintés a közpénzügyi döntéshozatalba. Budapest: Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet (OFI), 2014. 307 p.
- Kovács Árpád: Independent Fiscal Institutions in the Countries of Eastern-Central Eurpoe. GLOBAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS RESEARCH 14:(7) pp. 45-58. (2014)
- Kovács Árpád: Költségvetési Tanácsok Közép-Kelet-Európa országaiban/Fiscal Councils in the Countries of Eastern-Central Europe. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY 3: pp. 345-363. (2014)
- Kovács Árpád: Crisis Management similarities and Differences in the Newly Accessed Central and Eastern Europien Countries. In: Farkas Beáta (szerk.) The Aftermath of the Global Crisis in the European Union. 280 p. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. pp. 152-177.
- Kovács Árpád: An outline of determinations of the past two decades of Hungarian public finance. In: Farkas Beáta (szerk.) Studies in International Economics and Finance. Szeged: JATEPress, 2011. pp. 105-124. (ISBN:978-963-315-055-9)
- 5 most important scientific publications of the scientific life’s work
- Kovács Árpád: Vázlatos betekintés a közpénzügyi döntéshozatalba.. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó 2014, 307 pp. (megjelenés alatt)
- Kovács Árpád: Crisis Management similarities and Differences in the Newly Accessed Central and Eastern Europien Countries. In: Farkas Beáta (szerk.) The Aftermath of the Global Crisis in the European Union. 280 p. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. pp. 152-177.
- Kovács Árpád, Báger Gusztáv, Gidai Erzsébet: Privatizáció Magyarországon 1-2. k.. Budapest: Állami Számvevőszék Fejlesztési és Módszertani Intézet, 2004. 500 p.
- Kovács Árpád: KÖZPÉNZÜGYEK. Budapest: ELTE - Eötvös Kiadó, 2010. 379 p.
- Kovács Árpád: Competitiveness and modernization of public finances: selecting and action scenario in Hungary following EU accession. OECD JOURNAL ON BUDGETING 6:(3) pp. 69-92. (2007)
Professional/scientific public activity, international collaborations, honours: |
- Public Association of the Hungarian Financial and Economic Auditors, co-chairman from 2010, 1998
- Association of Management and Scientific Companies, 2001
- INTOSAI (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions), Governing Board, 2004
- Editorial Board of Public Finance Quarterly, 2005
- Hungarian Economic Association, 2008
- Economic Council, University of Szeged, 2011
- Baross Gábor National Association for Patronising the Economy, 2011
- Doctoral Committee of Social Sciences, University of Szeged, 2013
- 1996
- Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, Officer’s Cross
- 2002
- Magyary Zoltán Medal
- 2004
- Grand Decoration of Gold with Star of the Republic of Austria
- 2008
- Grand Prix for Economics
- 2009
- Calvin Medal
- 2009
- Golden Medal of the Hungarian National Assembly
- 2014
- Pro Universitate - University of Szeged
Language competences: |
Language |
Level |
Type of exam |
English |
C1 |
complex |