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Dr. Boglárka Berki - CV

Dr. Boglárka Berki
assistant professor

Institute of Ecological Economics


PhD in Economics, summa cum laude (100% thesis defence) (University of Szeged)
Economist MA – Regional and Environmental Economics (University of Szeged)
Economist BA – Business Administration and Management (University of Szeged)
Sociologist MA – (University of Szeged)

Research interests

My focus is on community-based research and related activism. I am particularly interested in the power of human relations (social capital) in the case of communities living in extreme poverty and segregation.

Through my educational activities, the topics of sustainable development (primarily sustainable mobility and tourism), economic sociology, and local economic development are also in the focus of my interest.

Keywords: action research, sustainable mobility, sustainable tourism, economics sociology, community-based development, social capital


Introduction to local economic development (in Hungarian, BA)
Environmental economy (in Hungarian, MA)
Sustainable mobility management (in Hungarian)
Introduction to local economic development (in Hungarian, postgradual)
Economic sociology (in Hungarian, distance education)
Sustainable tourism (in Hungarian, BA)
Sustainable tourism (in English, BA)

Selected research projects

  • SASMob - Smart Alliance for Sustainable Mobility. UIA 02-239 SASMOB, researcher
  • EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00008: „Health care institutions engaged with non-governmental organizations dynamics of its collaborations”, researcher
  • EFOP 3.6.2.: “Aspects of developing a smart, sustainable and inclusive society…”, researcher
  • OTKA K-109425: “Establishing local economic development in the framework of capability approach”, researcher

Membership and contribution of professional associations

  • LK (Living Knowledge Network) – 2018 member of local organising committee
  • MRTT (Hungarian Regional Science Association) member

Selected publications

  • Méreiné-Berki, Boglárka ; Málovics, György ; Creţan, Remus (2021): “You become one with the place”: Social mixing, social capital, and the lived experience of urban desegregation in the Roma community. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning 117 p. 103302 Paper: 103302.
  • Méreiné, Berki Boglárka ; Málovics, György; Tóth, Janka ; Cretan, Remus (2017): The role of social capital and interpersonal relations in the alleviation of extreme poverty and spatial segregation of Romani people in Szeged. Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis 9 : 1 pp. 33-50. , 18 p.
  • Málovics, György; Méreiné, Berki Boglárka; Mihály, Melinda (2021): Policy reform instead of policy transformation? Experiences of participatory action research (PAR) on desegregation policy in Szeged, Hungary. International Journal Of Action Research 17 : 1 pp. 81-101. , 21 p.
  • Málovics, György ; Creţan, Remus; Méreiné-Berki, Boglárka ; Tóth, Janka (2019): Socio-environmental justice, participatory development, and empowerment of segregated urban Roma: Lessons from Szeged, Hungary. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning 91 pp. 137-145. , 9 p.
  • Cretan, Remus ; Málovics, György ; Méreiné, Berki Boglárka (2020): On the production and contestation of (internalized) stigma: urban Roma in segregated areas of Szeged. Geographica Pannonica 24 : 4 pp. 294-310. , 17 p.
  • Bajmócy, Zoltán ; Gébert, Judit ; Málovics, György ; Berki, Boglárka Méreiné ; Juhász, Judit (2020): Urban Strategic Planning from the Perspective of Well-Being: Evaluation of the Hungarian Practice. European Spatial Research and Policy 27 : 1 pp. 221-241. , 21 p.
  • Málovics, György; Juhász, Judit ; Méreiné, Berki Boglárka ; Pálné, Mihók Barbara ; Szentistványi, István ; Pataki, György ; Nagy, Mihály ; Tóth, Janka (2021): Confronting espoused theories with theories-in-use: Challenges of participatory action research with marginalized communities in contributing to social change and theory building. Action Research 19 : 2 pp. 255-276. , 22 p.
  • Awards and Honours

    XXXII. National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference, economics section, II. prize
    New National Excellence Program, doctorate and post-doctorate researcher scholarship

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