Prof. Dr. Miklós Szanyi
Institute of International Economics and Business
International Economics; East-Central European Transition; Foreign Direct Investments; Technological Development and Innovation.
Dr. Miklós Szanyi has 20 years of teaching experience at Corvinus University, the University of Debrecen and the University of Szeged. He is a full professor since 2010, head of the PhD School in Economics at the University of Debrecen (2010-2013) with four graduated PhD students. Most important subjects: international economics, European studies, development studies, foreign direct investments and multinational business, economic policy. Current subjects: economic policy (MSc), Multinational business in East-Central Europe (MSc), Economic policy in Globalization (PhD), Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism (PhD).
Dr. Miklós Szanyi’s research career at the Institute for World Economics (Hungarian Academy of Science) started in 1985. He currently holds the position of director (since 2015). Activities: conducting regular research activity in the field of main research interests, organizing research programs and projects in the field of world economics, extensive publishing activity (over 200 publications both in Hungarian and in foreign languages, including 5 monographs), participation in (partly organization of) 20 major international research projects, occasional consulting (business and government).
Varieties of State Capitalism: comparative analysis of government-business relationships in various countries. The Role of FDI in the modernization process of ECE: cooperation and clashes of multinational business interests and national governments. Technological development and economic growth: comparisons of historical trends of economic and technological development, issues of the industry 4.0 concept.
Varieties of Capitalism in CEE: Polish Institute of Foreign Affairs
Member of the Board of Editors: Competitio Eastern Journal of European Studies.