2025. February 12., Wednesday
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Dr. Ábel Garamhegyi - CV

Dr. Ábel Garamhegyi
associate professor

Institute of Business Studies
Department of Marketing

Career History

2019 -
Associate professor -
University of Szeged, Faculty of Economy and Business Administration

Lecturing graduate foreign students in English and supporting the research activities of the Institute of Business Studies.
Chief Operating Officer – Cellum Group
Managing the business activities in Cellum Group and all subsidiaries. As Vice-CEO responsible for daily operations, technical development and supports, R&D as well as sales & marketing.
MD Barco Germany, VP Corporate Business Development
Managing director (“Geshefsführer”) of the legal entities in Germany based in the R&D and service center located in Karlsruhe. Operating the Merger and Acquisition activities of Barco worldwide. Responsible for divestment and investment projects of Barco and subsidiaries.
MD Barco India, VP Sales EMEAI
Managing director of the manufacturing site as well as service company in India having the permanent office in the factory located in Noida. Head of sales activities in the EMEAI growth region for all business units of Barco; the top-end developer and producer of professional visual solutions.
2010- 2011
Chief Executive Officer – Cellum International Ltd.
Head of the international subsidiary of the Hungarian market leader in mobile payment solutions, Cellum. The Cellum Group develops and operates Near Field Communication and mobile device based payment solutions for the EMEA countries.
Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of Hungary of International Economic Affairs
In charge of managing projects which require special attention of the Prime Minister of Hungary due to their size, national economic interest or national security. Among others: executive negotiator to the Russian partner of MALEV Hungarian Airlines, and to Daimler Benz, concerning its investment project in Hungary.
Director of International Relations, Hungarian Development Bank
Conducts and coordinates the Bank’s projects with major international investors (from Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Germany, U.K) mainly in the heavy -, chemical -, construction- and automotive industries.
State Secretary for International Economic Relations of the Ministry for National Development and Economy (former Ministry of Economy and Transport) as well as Government Commissioner for International Economic Affairs
Policy making and execution of the Hungarian Republic’s foreign investment (FDI) and international trade promotion. In this respect, the State Secretary was responsible for 250 civil servants, 150 diplomats, their staff in 42 countries and 200 employees at the Hungarian Investment and Trade Development Agency (ITDH). During this period, the inflow of foreign investments to Hungary exceeded the value of HUF 1500 billion. Among others, Daimler Mercedes, Hankook Tyres, Briston, Audi, Bosch, National Instrument, EDS U.K. entered the Hungarian market or enlarged their business in Hungary. The State Secretary was the ultimate decision-maker in terms of the state aid, the location finding, and the human resources management of the project. As a diplomat, the Government Commissioner’s primary task was to reach favorable results for Hungary in the international trade and capital flow. During this period, Hungary achieved a positive trade balance for the first time since the regime change. The State Secretary was also the chief negotiator to the World Trade Organization. Mr. Garamhegyi represented the Republic of Hungary as a regular speaker at more than hundred international conferences, road shows and university lectures.
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy and Transport
The political and executive deputy of the Minister was responsible for the operation of the Ministry and the only person who was entitled to act on behalf of the Minister. The Deputy Minister was also Head of the National Emergency Unit in the field of energy, transport and economic emergency situations. In this position, Mr. Garamhegyi conducted the governmental actions during the oil and gas crises. The Ministry employs 800 civil servants and is responsible for more than 16 000 employees in different background institutions and companies, such as the National State Railway, National Motorway, National Broadcasting Authority and the air traffic control. During this period, Mr. Garamhegyi was a regular speaker in the Hungarian Parliament and in the European Council.
Deputy State Secretary for Foreign Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Economy and Transport
Head of Department, Economic Policy Department, the Prime Minister’s Office
Advising the Prime Minister in economic issues and supervising the team of analysts and policy makers.
Director, Hungarian Investment and Trade Development Agency (ITDH),
Southern Great Plain Regional Office (Szeged, Hungary)
Senior Advisor to Dalson & Dawney Business Consulting (Szeged, Hungary)
Airport Operation Manager, DHL-Hungary Ltd. (Budapest)
Senior Marketing Advisor, Henkell & Söhnlein Hungary Ltd. (Budapest)

University carrier

since 2001
Associate professor, JATE University of Szeged, Hungary
Lecturing and publishing in marketing, international marketing, city marketing, project management, marketing communication, crisis communication, and social geography.
Mr. Garamhegyi has been lecturing at the University since 1994
Guest lecturer, ‘Heller Farkas’ College of Advanced Studies in Finance, Corvinus University, (Budapest, Hungary)
Guest lecturer, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands)
Guest lecturer, London School of Economics (London, U.K.)

Educational background

Valuation Course on Amsterdam Institute of Finance
MBA studies on the Technical and Business University, Budapest (without final degree)
Ph.D. on Social Geography, University of Szeged, Hungary
International Course in Spatial Policy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
M.Sc. in Geography and Mathematics, JATE University of Szeged, Hungary
National Merit of Honor – The Officer’s Cross - for investment promotion
Outstanding Young Scientist Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


English (fluent) and German, Russian


Computer skills on PC and publishers


Handball and Golf

Selected Publications

Educational Innovation and the Market for Geographers in Hungary
with co-authors Dr. Gábor Mezősi and Dr. László Mucsi. In: Journal of Geography in Higher Education
Clear and Present Danger … Or?
with co-author Dr. Norbert Buzás. In: Marketing and Management, year XXIV, 1st issue
City center management - the urban heritage
with co-author Elke Ennen. In: Colorane, Ireland, February 1998
Private and Public Partnership – Chapter 7, Textbook of the University of Groningen

Hungarian publications:

Book of introduction to Place marketing
(‘Bevezetés a településmarketingbe’), Co-author: Lajos Boros – JatePress, Szeged, Hungary
Article about crisis communication in area marketing
(’Válságkommunikációs jellegzetességek a helymarketingben’) In: ’Az információs társadalom marketing kihívásai’, Hungarian Marketing Association), Szeged
Essay about Budapest in 2020
(’Veszíthet-e egy örök nyertes? – Budapest 2020’) In: A mi Budapestünk – Tanulmánykötet, Budapest
Article about area marketing as a tool to enhance the competitiveness of municipalities
(’A területi-marketing, mint az önkormányzatok versenyképességének egy lehetséges eszköze’) Co-author Balázs Révész. In: Versenyképesség – regionális versenyképesség, Faculty of Economics, University of Szeged
Ph.D. dissertation in City Marketing
(’A településmarketing, mint a területfejlesztés egy eszköze’), University of Szeged
Article about designing the marketing program of micro-regions
(’Kistérségek marketing programjának készítése’) In: Verseny és Marketing, Hungarian Marketing Association, Budapest
Article about marketing as part of the common literacy: education for amateurs
(’A marketing, mint az általános műveltség része; oktatás műkedvelőknek) with co-author Dr. László Czagány, in: conference catalogue, Pécs, Hungary

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