
Tudományos Diákkör

Student Research Societies

Student Research Societies

2020. június 17.
3 perc

TDK – Student Research Societies and their events are one of the most prestigious programs in Hungarian higher education talent management. Since 1955, the OTDK (the National Council of Student Research Societies and its conference), has been organized every two years, in which the SZTE GTK has participated since 1999. Our faculty has outstanding OTDK results: we finished in the first place of the national medal table several times, with student achievements that provoked national recognition. English language students started to participate at the national level in 2019, immediately with outstanding results: two 1st places and a special award. For the OTDK, as for the Olympics, a “quota” must be obtained, which is possible at local rounds organized in the institutions. Within a two-year OTDK cycle, we usually organize three local finals at the SZTE GTK, so everyone has the opportunity to compete at the most convenient time.

To do this, a TDK paper must be prepared. About what? About any topic that interests you the most. What you like to think about in your free time, what raises questions you would like to answer. You can write about your favourite sport, the film industry, self-driving cars, social media curiosities, consumer habits, bitcoin, fintech, anything! It can be any theoretical or practical topic, investigated in a scientific way!

ATTENTION! The TDK paper can also be submitted as a Thesis, so you can strike two birds with one stone.

The most important result of TDK is that you can improve a lot in a few months: during the writing of the paper, you learn the tricks of doing research work. You acquire a way of thinking, learn a methodology, delve much deeper into a topic than your peers, so you become an expert in it. As a result of your TDK work, you will have special knowledge that will differentiate you from any other player in the job market, whatever career you choose. Moreover, TDK is much more than that: community, networking, challenge, party, and countless other unexpected things.

Faculty members are happy to assist in the implementation of the research. If you would like to join TDK, feel free to contact the lecturer you would like to work with, follow the news about TDK on the faculty's Facebook page, posters, or contact the Faculty TDK representative, Marianna Sávai.

So what is your favorite topic? Write TDK out of it!

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