Balogh Levente előadása

Inspiring presentation by Levente Balogh at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Szeged

On October 11, 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged hosted Levente Balogh, the owner of Szentkirályi Ltd., a well-known businessman in Hungary. His name may be familiar to many from the show Among the Sharks.

The GTK community welcomed Levente Balogh (owner of Szentkirályi Ltd., businessman, investor, shark) with great interest, and thanks to him, nearly 300 students, faculty and staff learned about entrepreneurship, branding, motivation and perseverance.

The "shark" spoke about the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and he shared his ideas on how to build an internationally recognised brand. During the interview, we learned about his personal life and story, the challenges he has faced to keep Szentkirályi Mineral Water successful and the projects he is currently working on. At the end of the presentation, he also answered the students’ questions, thus motivating the younger generation. We appreciate his commitment to support talent.

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"It was a fantastic and uplifting feeling to inspire almost 300 students, while it was also inspiring for me to see so many determined and smart young people who want achieve success in life. I'm happy to have added something extra to their future!" - shared Levente Balogh on his social media page.

On behalf of SZTE GTK, we are grateful that he accepted the invitation and thank you again for the presentation! We would like to express our thanks also to our lecturer Dr. Szabolcs Prónay for being a moderator!

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