Stipendium Scholarship

Application for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship is open

Apply for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship for the 2022/2023 academic year until 15 January 2022, and study at our Faculty for free.

The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme was launched in 2013 by the Hungarian Government. The core mission of the programme is to increase the number of foreign students in Hungary and to encourage Hungarian higher education institutions to attract top foreign students; currently 80 sending partners are engaged in the programme.

The number of both Stipendium Hungaricum applicants and awardees is continuously increasing, as well as the number of available scholarship places. In 2021, nearly 50 0000 applications were received and more than 4700 scholarships were awarded, showing that since its launch, the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship has become a programme of excellence. Every year a total number of 40-45 students are awarded this scholarship for our Bachelor, Master and Phd Business programmes.

Study programmes offered:

Study level Name of programme Number of semesters Degree
Bachelor of Science Business Administration and Management 6+1 Economist in Business Administration and Management
Tourism and Catering 6+2 Economist in Tourism and Catering
Master of Science International Economy and Business 4 Economist in International Economy and Business
PhD International PhD programme in Economic and Financial Policy 8 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics

Allowances provided for the scholarship holder:

  • Exemption from the payment of tuition fee.
  • Monthly stipend:
    • Bachelor, Master level: monthly HUF 43,700 (appr. 120 EUR) contribution to the living expenses, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies
    • Doctoral level: for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies, monthly HUF 140,000 (appr. 390 EUR) in the first 4 semesters, HUF 180,000 (appr. 500 EUR) for the second phase of studies (4 semesters)
  • Accommodation: dormitory placement OR a monthly contribution of HUF 40,000 to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period
  • Health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act LXXX of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65,000 (cca EUR 180) a year/person

Useful links for applicaton:

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