2024. September 11., Wednesday

Teacher's Assistant positions


In keeping with the Hungarian Higher Education Act, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged (’GTK’) announces an application for teacher’s assistant positions for the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year in order to involve the most competent applicants in the Faculty’s teaching work and prepare them for their professional career.

Applicants need to submit, at least, the following documents:

  • Professional CV
  • An acceptance letter received via email by the teacher of the relevant subject who will later integrate the assistant into teaching and research work.

Your application needs to be addressed to the Head of the relevant Institute. Please, check which institute Your chosen mentor teacher is affiliated to. Submit Your application together with the collected documents via the relevant CooSpace-platform:

Economics and Economic Development

Finances and Int. Economic Relations

Business Studies

Statistics and Demography

Research centre

The performance of teacher’s assistants will be evaluated by the head of the relevant institute using the following categories:
- the assistant accomplished his/her tasks excellently,
- the assistant accomplished his/her tasks well,
- the assistant accomplished his/her tasks,
- the assistant did not accomplish his/her tasks.
The received evaluation will be registered on Neptun.

Teacher’s assistants will receive a one-time reward of gross 30,000 HUF for their efforts. Please note that only students with a valid tax number on NEPTUN may receive the reward on the bank account provided within their NEPTUN account.
18 February 2021 (Thursday) 14.00 pm (Central European Time)

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