
Intangible Resources in Financial Statements

Theses of Doctoral Dissertation from Zsuzsanna Ilona Kovács

The dissertation committee recommended a doctoral degree with summa cum laude to be awarded to Zsuzsanna Ilona Kovács after the public defence of his dissertation titled 'Intangible Resources in Financial Statements' on 11th November 2016.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Árpád Kovács (professor, SZTE)

You can read the Theses here:

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The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty) invites applications for the position of teacher’s assistant for the second semester of the academic year 2024/2025. The aim of the teacher’s assistant application scheme is to promote the active participation of students in the teaching and research work of the Faculty.


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