
Ecodemia: The Financial Culture of the Population and the Enterprises – Dr. Péter Kovács

This is the third year when the Ecodemia Summer Program has been held in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Szeged. On 29th June, János Martonyi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs delivered his lecture on Competing Free Trade Agreements in the Main Hall of the Faculty. Now, on 1st July, as the second lecturer, Péter Kovács, Deputy Dean of the Faculty shared his views on issues of financial culture.

Dr. Péter Kovács discussed the present-day situation in Hungary regarding the financial culture of the population and the enterprises. His conclusions are based on the results of a research project carried out in cooperation with the Deputy Dean and the Econventio Roundtable Non-profit Association. Financial awareness and the attitude and behaviour towards financial issues were measured in the research. The target group of the research has been high-school students in the last few years, however, from this year on, small- and medium sized enterprises are also studied.

In course of the presentation, some interesting and unexpected data were revealed; for instance, the fact that the financial awareness of women is higher than that of men, or people whose financial attitude is negative, usually make worse financial decisions. At the end of the lecture, some exciting questions were raised; for example, whether it would have been possible to avoid the crisis in 2008 if the population had had a higher level of financial culture.

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