
GTK25 – Poster exhibition, 14th May - 10th June

This year, our faculty celebrates its 25th anniversary. To mark the occasion, we launched a poster competition, open to everyone from students, through the alumni community, to staff.

The posters received were selected by a preliminary jury, and as a result 22 entries were selected for the final and thus exhibited. There were two themes: "GTK Lifestyle" and "What if GTK in 25 years time…". The works will be on display from 14 May to 10 June on Karas Street.

But it’s not just the jury's votes that count, yours do too! The top 3 entries will be chosen by an instructor jury, but there will also be an audience choice award, in which you can participate!

All you need to do is scan the QR code on any of the posters, and vote on the displayed interface or you can view the exhibition online (below) and vite by clicking here. Participate in selecting the audience choice award and share your opinion about the artworks!

The winners will receive gift packages thanks to our sponsors. We would like to thank them for their support!

The sponsors of the poster contest are: SZIN, IH Rendezvényközpont, Hági Udvar és Étterem, Pixel Bár és Kávézó, Golf Autósiskola, Taxi Plusz, Duma színház, ESZTÉ, ExitGame Szeged, Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Gyógyfürdő.

The finalist posters:

1. I feel like I belong
Kovacev Natasa
Technique: graphic design

úgy érzem, tartozom ide

2. The KO in GTK's colour
Kovács Virág Réka

Technique: pencil drawing

a ko a gtk színeiben

3. One more class
Rudics Árpád
Technique: photo

még egy óra

4. Not just a degree
Cucui Annamária
Technique: illustration

nem csak egy diploma

5. Comic Strips about GTK's 25th anniversary
Bentallah Houda

Technique: comics

képregény a gtk 25. évfordulójáról

6. AI Pioneers: Leading the Future of Learning
Le Tran Tram Anh

Technique: graphic design

A MI úttörői: A tanulás jövőjének vezetői

7. Economic Collage: The Faculty's Pictorial Chronicle
Cselovszki György
Technique: collage

Közgazdasági Kollázs: Kari Képes Krónika

8. Day in the life
Khalima Lebuzova, Bencsik Stella, Cheng Yirui, Szoboszlai Tamás
Technique: collage

Egy nap az életből

9. Daily life as a GTK member
Peller Fanni
Technique: illustration

GTK-s mindennapok

10. Economics in the Galaxy: Interstellar Calculus
Mezővári Luca Panna
Technique: graphic design

Gazdaságtan a Galaxisban: Csillagközi Kalkulus

11. GMC
Kiss Noémi
Technique: collage


12. I think GTK 1
Huszár Sándor
Technique: graphic design

szerintem a gtk 1

13. I think GTK 2
Huszár Sándor
Technique: graphic design

szerintem a gtk 2

14. Evening course at the Kálvária street
Kovács Virág Réka
Technique: photo

Esti kurzus a Kálvárián

15. For me, the GTK
Soós Annamária
Technique: collage

nekem a gtk

16. GTK, Journey so far
Shuaib Faisal Adukke
Technique: graphic design

GTK, Az eddigi utazás

17. Introducing the GTK way of life
Vad Panka Zsófia
Technique: illustration

A GTK-s életérzés bemutatása

18. The two sides of the GTK
Popol Gréta
Technique: collage

A GTK két oldala

19. All roads lead to the GTK
Toldi Violetta
Technique: photo

minden út a gtk-hoz vezet

20. GTK in words
Mátó Ágnes, Mezővári Luca Panna, Berki Bianka
Technique: graphic design

gtk szavakkal

21. In a galaxy far, far away
Berki Bianka
Technique: comics

Egy messzi-messzi galaxisban

22. Leaf your mark
Mezővári Luca Panna
Technique: illustration

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