A Wise Man once said, “Humanity may be likened unto the vari-colored flowers of one garden. There is unity in diversity. Each sets off and enhances the other's beauty.”
This quote best reflects the spirit of the first GTK InterArt Festival that happened on the 06th of May 2022. The unity in diversity including richness in creativity during the preparation process as well as on the day of the event was evidently remarkable and observed. The level of enthusiasm and desire to serve through collaboration amongst the organizing-crew and beyond, to contribute to the success of the event sparked inspiration which set forth an uplifting and joyous atmosphere of the day.
The intention to create a space to serve as a “creative” laboratory and utilize art as a tool to connect and revitalize the energies of those involved seemed to be translated in reality. The integration of all forms of arts amongst the staff members and students was an experience like no other— it was an embodiment of the oneness in the human family. “Tavaszi Szél” was one of the songs sung by the Faculty choir comprising of staff members. The canon involving the audience was such a beautiful expression of harmony and togetherness. Many other performing arts and visual arts illustrated had a similar effect and impact. Laughter, awe, tears and inspiration were some of the emotions observed and expressed in those present on the day of the event.
The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive and encouraging with many requests to have a similar event every academic year. It is then with the hope that such an event will be the first of many and hopefully become tradition in the Faculty!
Looking forward to touch more heARTs through engaging in more spaces like these.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity in the future! :)