Prezilimpia competition

Presentation talent show online – we have extended the application deadline

In the spring of 2021 the SZTE GTK is organizing the presentation talent show, Prezilimpia in an online form.

The University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Association for Marketing Research and Education and the Ezabeszéd Toastmasters Retorika Klub are organizing the event of Prezilimpia this year as well. The national presentation competition is looking for the best presenters of the country every year since 2018.

The presentation talent show is formed around a topic related to economics each year, this case presenters needs to prepare a 6-8 minute-long-video regarding the topic of modern finance and financial literacy. The competitors can present in Hungarian and English as well, however, they are going to be set against each other in the same category.

The ones, who would like to compete and are students of the SZTE GTK, can apply and submit their videos until the 19th of April, when the judges will select the five best applications to advance them to the national final. Before the national final, which is going to be held live online, the competitors will get the chance to be assisted by professional mentors in order to polish their presentations.

The main sponsor of Prezilimpia in 2021 is OTP Bank, who is contributing to the prizes of the event, which are 55.000 Ft for the 1st, 50.000 Ft for the 2nd, 45.000 for the 3rd, 40.000 Ft for the 4th, 35.000 Ft for the 5th places.

More information and the application form is available here.

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