The students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged represented themselves with 26 research projects in the 35th National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK). With the 19 prizes won by the students of the faculty, SZTE GTK became the second best performing institution.
The National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK), organized every two years, due to the pandemic was held in an online format this year by the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics of the University of Sopron. During the three-day-long event the applicants, participating from 53 higher education institutions, competed in 50 different sections, in which the sub-fields of marketing, management, finance and tourism could have been found. The organizers offered scientific presentations between the sections in the sustainability corner, on Thursday evening a concert by András Lovasi, and in the morning of Friday they started the day with a morning exercise together.
Talent management is in the focus of SZTE GTK, which is proved by the outstanding results in the OTDK. The performance of the students and the faculty itself was highlighted in the final session of the event as well, since our faculty finished as the second most rewarded institution in the competition.
“The secret of our success comes from the committed and ambitious students, who are open to test their limits and learn new things. Alongside this, our lecturers place great emphasis on the competition, so they are always ready to help, guide and support the researcher economist students” – says Dr. Miklós Lukovics, PhD, the chairman of the Scientific Student's Associations Conference at the faculty level.
“Although we had to present our scientific research in an irregular way, I gained a lot of wonderful memories and experiences. The process of a long and persistent research was ended with the announcement of the results, which I was able to enjoy together with my family. When my name was announced as a first prize winner, not only them, but I was in tears and overwhelmed with pride. In my opinion I have evolved a lot thanks to this competition” – says one of awarded students.
Two international students of the faculty participated in the finals as well:
Nigar Valizada with the topic of ‘Sustainable tourism management Mediterranean basin at a glance’ (supervisor: Dr. Beáta Udvari, PhD),
and Seiitkhanova Arailym with the topic of ‘Is Instagram a Good Channel for Brand Equity Branding? The Case of Generation Z’ (supervisor: Dr. Balázs Révész, PhD), who managed to get second place in her section.
We would like to congratulate to all of the competitors and thank the preparatory work of the supervisors!