67 students get scholarship

67 economist students received scholarships from the SZTE GTK and its partners for the Spring semester

The scholarship-system, established by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, has been working continuously for almost 10 years with the goal of talent development.

Nowadays, the Faculty and more than 30 partners – amongst them alumni of the Faculty – help the studies of future economists in a form of a scholarship. Thanks to the program, winning students are exempted from paying a full or half tuition fee.

By the decision of the committee, 67 students with outstanding academic records received scholarships in the spring semester of the academic year 2020/21. Amongst them four students who study in the Business Administration and Management BSc program. The traditional awarding ceremony due to the pandemic will not be organized this February.

The Faculty would like to express its gratitude towards its partners: thank you for supporting our students once again! We would also like to congratulate to the winners and wish them best of luck in the future!

Corporation partners, who established scholarships for this semester:
• Blureen Marketing és Piackutatás Kft.
• ContiTech Szeged
• Coop Szeged Zrt.
• Ökonómia Közhasznú Alapítvány

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