2020. September 07.
Due to the COVID19 epidemic situation, the autumn semester of the 2020/2021 academic year starts exceptionally, applying a hybrid way of teaching. Please, read carefully the regulations below and keep them in order to protect Yourself, Your family and the students and staff of the Faculty.
- A person who is infected by COVID19 or who experiences the symptoms of the infection (fever, malaise, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, loss of smell/taste, muscle aches), or whose temperature is higher than 37,5 degree Celsius, cannot enter the Faculty buildings.
- If anybody in the Faculty buildings experiences the symptoms, they have to leave the building immediately without hesitation. Provided they are not able to leave the building, they have to go to the isolation room with as limited contact as possible (in KO building the isolation room is room 004, in GO building it is the room on the ground floor next to the vending machine) and the person detecting the symptoms has to call the ambulance.
- In the community areas of GTK (such as the Aula, corridors, classrooms) wearing a facemask is compulsory.
At the Study Office, wearing a facemask and keeping the distance of 1.5 meters is compulsory, as well as feeling in a risk screening questionnaire. Face-to-face opening hours of the Study Office are between 9.00-12.00 am, but they can be contacted via email and on telephone as well.
- Upon entering the building, using the hand sanitizer is compulsory.
- In face-to-face classes and in course of group activities, wearing a facemask for both students and lecturers, keeping the required distance and keeping the attendance sheet (for possible contact detection) is compulsory. By signing the document, the student confirms that they do not experience the symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, malaise, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, loss of smell/taste, muscle aches). Students not willing to sign the attendance sheet or showing the symptoms of COVID19, cannot take part in person in the class.
- Due to the hybrid teaching environment, compulsory presence in any of the classes is not required.
Teaching starts on 7 September, 2020, regardless of the language of teaching. In the case of courses where, based on central regulations, it is not possible to start education on the first week, teaching may start on the week of 14 September, 2020.
We strongly hope that by supporting each other in a patient and flexible way, we will manage a successful and fruitful academic semester together. Good luck and take care!