2024. September 11., Wednesday

Students of the SZTE Faculty of Economics and Business Administration may now receive the degree of the Yunnan University in China within the framework of a new double degree agreement

Dr. Péter Kovács, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Szeged signed a cooperation agreement on 24 October 2019 with Mr. Shuanglu Liang, the Dean of the School of Economics (Accounting) of the Yunnan University. This Chinese higher education institution is one of China’s best universities not only on a regional but on a national level as well, therefore the finalized double degree agreement will provide significant education and research opportunities for both parties.

Within the framework of the double degree programme students of the International Economy and Business English master’s programme at the SZTE will have a chance to spend one academic year of their two-year study period in China, thus joining a respectable international university and receiving the degree of the Yunnan University and the University of Szeged as well at the end of their studies. Teachers and researchers of both universities also have the opportunity to take part in the exchange programme as the signed agreement contains clauses for receiving visiting professors and developing shared programmes too. This new partnership is especially important as the SZTE Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has now gained a close Eastern partner institution with a highly respectable reputation. As the role of the Chinese economy keeps becoming more and more prominent in the world economy this partnership promises new educational and scientific opportunities for both parties.

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