GTK jubileumi logó - 20 éves a kar

Redraw the GTK logo – the Faculty’s logo was redesigned for its anniversary year by GTK students

In 2019 the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration celebrates the 20th anniversary of its founding and the 25th anniversary of the first economics training programme in Szeged.

For its anniversary year the Faculty announced the Redraw the GTK design competition. Altogether eleven entries were submitted to the competiton. After the initial review process the judges found Daniella Molnár’s and Bence Zuti’s entry the best and asked the two students to continue the work on the new logo together – this is how the final anniversary logo of the Faculty was created incorporating the shape of the GTK’s main building, its colours and overall dynamics.

The redesigned logo can be viewed here:

GTK jubileumi logó


Daniella Molnár
I started my studies at the GTK Commerce and marketing programme in 2016. Parallel to my studies in Szeged I attended a graphic designer programme in Budapest on the weekends throughout my first academic year since art, design and the use of creative solutions interested me just as much as economics. I found „myself” in the intersection of these two fields: marketing. When I started in Szeged I was very lucky because my best friend was also coming to the GTK so I wasn’t alone. By now I can also say that I wouldn’t have been lonely even if it wasn’t for her due to the great many friends and acquaintances we’ve made at the Faculty over the past 2,5 years. As a third year student I was given the opportunity this year to work for a creative agency and put my theoretical knowledge I have acquired at the GTK to practice. I am grateful to the Faculty and my teachers for putting such a big emphasis on practice oriented courses, this way providing students – including myself – with the opportunity to work in their respective fields even before earning their first degree. I am especially glad the judges liked our work with Bence this much, since we have really put all our hearts into it.
Bence Zuti

My name is Bence Zuti, I started my studies at the SZTE GTK in 2009. I earned my BA’s degree in the Business Administration and Management programme and my MA’s degree in the Regional and Environmental Economics programme. I have been attending the Doctoral School of Economics at the Faculty of Economics since 2015, my research topic being digitalisation and its effects on society and the economy. My interest in design, graphic planning and branding was sparked about a year ago. I immediately decided to enter the Redraw the GTK competition when I saw the application announcement. The GTK has given me practical knowledge, lifelong friendships and experiences so my aim was to create a valuable contribution to the double anniversary year at the GTK. I am very happy that I succeeded in this.

You will encounter the new logos designed by the students on multiple platforms in 2019 – more details to follow soon.

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The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty) invites applications for the position of teacher’s assistant for the second semester of the academic year 2024/2025. The aim of the teacher’s assistant application scheme is to promote the active participation of students in the teaching and research work of the Faculty.


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