International Treasure Hunt

International Treasure Hunt for new international students

Throughout September the new first year students of the Faculty have arrived from many foreign countries in order to start their university studies in Szeged – this year the GTK mentor team came up with a special new adventure to welcome them with: International Treasure Hunt!

In order to make the new students feel welcome and give them an opportunity to get to know each other better, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration asked the freshly established mentor team to organise a special event for the newcomers. The activity picked for such occasion was the Treasure Hunt, a game that favours team spirit, recalls childhood memories and provides a chance to get familiar with the surrounding environment, the Hungarian city of sunshine.

On 21st September a group of excited mentors were joined by over 45 students in the Faculty’s main building. After getting comfortable with some ice-breaking activities, the real game finally begun: 6 teams, 6 spots to visit around the city centre and fun activities to complete along the way. Guided by a mentor, each team started the treasure hunt by solving the first clue, which led them to one of the different areas selected for the game, where other mentors were waiting with a fun game to play. After a couple of hours, all teams managed to overcome all the challenges successfully and happily concluded the activity together.

After so much effort, most of the students joined the second part of the event in Campus Beer&More where they got the chance to have a drink, relax and especially socialise with new friends and classmates. It was great to see the enthusiasm with which the new students joined this first event – based on its success, the mentor team is already planning the next one!

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Do you love electronic music? Would you like to unwind and recharge at a vibrant event after the exam period? Then mark your calendar for February 17 (Monday) – you won’t want to miss this!


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