SZTE GTK Főépület

Information session about the Scientific Students’ Conference, 13 September 2018

Would You like to be among the very best? Join us at the information session about the Scientific Students’ Conference (short in Hungarian: TDK) and learn more about how you can demonstrate and compare your knowledge to others in a fun and exciting atmosphere.

Participants will have a chance to get familiar with the whole TDK movement along with it’s benefits while useful tips will also be shared about writing a good TDK paper and about qualifying for the upcoming National Scientific Students’ Conference (OTDK). The 2018 Fall semester’s faculty TDK round is the last opportunity for you to qualify for the 2019 OTDK.

Regarding the above we will hold an information session on 13 September between 13:30-14:00 (in English) and between 14:00-15:00 (in Hungarian). The event will take place in KO 007.