Call For Student Mobility

For part-time Exchange programmes available for BSc and MSc students of the GTK in the 2018/2019 academic year

The University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration presents an opportunity for GTK students to apply for student mobility programmes for part-time trainings at our partner universities in India, Japan, China and Canada in the 2018/2019 academic year. In accordance with the partner agreements between the SZTE GTK and the partner universities, students selected for this mobility programme are to be exempt from paying tuition fee during the period of the programme. All other necessary costs (travel and living expenses, accommodation, insurance, visa) are to be covered by the outgoing student. The partner universities offer to help incoming students with finding accommodation and arranging visa applications.

Credits earned for completed courses at a given partner university may be transferred to the sending institution in the framework of an official credit transfer procedure (initiated by the student). An applicant can only apply to one partner university.

Applications for the student mobility programme may be submitted to one of the four partner universities below:

  • For full-time bachelor students:
    • Shanghai Finance University, Shanghai, China
    • Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan
    • University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business, Winnipeg, Canada
  • For full-time master students:
    • Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (New-Delhi), India

The University of Szeged Faculty of Economics will cover the full travel expenses of all students who win the student mobility programme in the 2018/2019 academic year.

Students with a Hungarian citizenship may apply for the Campus Mundi student mobility grant announced by the Tempus Public Foundation in order to cover additional costs incurred by the part-time training programme:

Application deadline: 22nd March 2018, 4:00 pm
Submit applications at GTK KO, office 214, Dr. Ildikó Pusztai-Varga

Application requirements

  • Active student status at the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics at the time of submission.
  • Sufficient English language skills for studying abroad.
  • Applicants must have passed all compulsory courses they registered for in the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year.

Compulsory attachments

  1. CV in English.
  2. Motivation letter in English.
  3. Photocopy/copies of language proficiency certificate(s).
  4. A signed statement by the applicant that he/she will complete at least three courses at the partner institution.
  5. Active student status certificate for the second semester of the 2017/2018 academic year (MODULO)

For further information about the application process and the available partner institutions please contact Dr. Ildikó Pusztai-Varga and ask for an appointment at

Note: Stipendium Hungaricum grant holders are not eligible for the mobility programme.

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