2024. September 11., Wednesday

Academic curriculum

Programme description

The Business Administration and Management BSc is a 7-semester-long programme, taught fully in English. The programme has been developed for students who wish to acquire strong practical business knowledge and want to interpret business trends at local and global level. The main objective of the Business Administration and Management BSc programme is to train economists who, equipped with appropriate IT knowledge, soft skills and international mind-set, apply business knowledge competently and perform their work ethically as responsible professionals.

Structure of studies

Modules and credits

The courses in the programme – based on their content – fall under six different categories that, together with the thesis module, make up the 210 credits of the Bachelor programme:

Module Credits
A Economic, Methodological and Business Basic Module 72
B-1 Social Sciences Basic Module 15
B-2 Competency Module 13
C-1 Program-specific Basic Module 57
C-2 Program-specific Institutional Module 18
D Thesis Module (including Internship) 35
  Total 210

The structure of the programme by semesters

(Optional and semi-optional courses may change. Click on the courses to read the short descriptions.)

Compulsory courses
Course Credits
Thesis Consultation 2
Internship 25

Academic schedule and exams

The academic year:

The academic year consists of two semesters. Semesters are divided into a study period and an examination period. The study period is 15 weeks; the examination period lasts for 6+1 weeks where the 7th week is a retake examination period.

Examinations: Students should complete all assignments and obtain the practical course marks before the examination periods starts. Examination dates are assigned by the departments within the examination period according to the Academic and Examination Regulations of the University.

Assessment of student performance can be carried out according to:

  • a five-grade scale: excellent (5), good (4), satisfactory (3), pass (2), fail (1)
  • a three-grade scale: excellent (5), satisfactory (3), fail (1)

Thesis and graduation requirements

Pre-degree certificate:

The University issues the pre-degree certificate to students who have fulfilled the curriculum by completing the required practical courses, internship, and have earned the required number of credits (except writing the degree thesis). The pre-degree certificate does not provide qualification or vocational qualification.


At the end of the programme, a degree thesis has to be submitted. The Faculty approves the topic, prescribes content requirements and also provides the general considerations for evaluation and the deadline for submission. The thesis has to be worked out under the guidance of an appointed teacher (supervisor) and must be defended in front of the Final Examination Board.


At the end of the programme, students will complete a 12 week internship at a company of their own choice where they will have the opportunity to apply their theoretical and practical knowledge in a real, corporate environment.

Final examination:

The final examination is an exam designed to test and assess students’ knowledge, skills and abilities that are required for awarding the diploma. Having acquired the pre-degree certificate, students can register for the final examination. The final examination consists of two parts: the defense of the degree thesis and an oral examination.

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