The Challenges of Analyzing Social and Economic Processes in the 21st Century
International Scientific Conference
Szeged, 7-9 November 2019
The conference is organized by the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Faculty’s founding. The conference is co-organized by the Szeged Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and its Economic Committee.
The manuscripts of the lectures will be published in a proofread conference volume. We are glad to accept lectures from the field of economics and sociology alike.
- The present, past and future of Economics
- The state of Economics Education
- Regional and local economic development
- Global economic and financial challenges of the 21st century
- Industry 4.0., Digital Economy, digitalization. Artificial intelligence and Economics
- Marketing-Management trends, challenges
- Nonprofit and forprofit organizations in the present
- Local communities: social justice and sustainability
- Relations between social economic and demographic processes in the present
- Methodological issues of analyzing social and economic processes
- Opportunities and challenges in Tourism
Deadline for submitting abstracts: 30 September 2019
Language: English and Hungarian
- There are NO Registration FEES