Konferencia - Díszterem

Conferences organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in 2019

Readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution in the European Union

Industrial competitiveness, expected and ongoing technological changes – labelled as the 4th industrial revolution – are in the focus of the EU agenda. We call for papers which address the questions of readiness for the 4th industrial revolution in the European Union in the following topics:

  • de- and reindustrialization processes,
  • new business models,
  • governmental policy toolkit for supporting industrial changes.

Technological change and development

We invite papers that aim at a better understanding of the impacts of technological change, industry 4.0 on the economy and development. We call for papers in particularly (but not restricted to) the following fields:

  • de- and reindustrialization processes;
  • new business models;
  • governmental policy toolkit for supporting industrial changes;
  • impacts of technological changes;
  • restructuring and economic development;
  • monetary and fiscal policy as preconditions of structural changes;
  • reactions of the competition regulation.

The Challenges of Analyzing Social and Economic Processes in the 21st Century

The conference is organized by the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Faculty’s founding. The conference is co-organized by the Szeged Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and its Economic Committee.

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