Supported by the project EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00007 “Aspects on the development of intelligent, sustainable and inclusive society: social, technological, innovation networks in employment and digital economy”
5-6 April 2019
Szeged, Hungary
Industrial competitiveness, expected and ongoing technological changes – labelled as the 4th industrial revolution ̶ are in the focus of the EU agenda. Even if future scenarios are surrounded by considerable uncertainty, some crucial factors can be identified, e.g. the increasing importance of innovation and education systems. In these fields there are substantial differences between the more developed North-western and the less developed Mediterranean, Central and Eastern European countries. Moreover, the differences in economic structures and the level of industrialization mean different starting positions in forthcoming European and global competition.
We call for papers which address the questions of readiness for the 4th industrial revolution in the European Union in the following topics:
Kadri Ukrainski, Professor of Research and Innovation Policy (University of Tartu, School of Economics and Business Administration):
Innovation policy and dynamic capabilities in the public sector: challenges for CEE countries in the context of 4th industrial revolution
Enzo Valentini, PhD in Political Economy (University of Macerata, Department of Political Science, Communication and International Relations):
Structural change, robotisation, productivity and labour markets in advanced economies
Hiroshi Tanaka, Specially Appointed Professor of Economics (Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Economics):
Industry 4.0: View from a Japanese Manufacturing Perspective
5 April 2019
6 April 2019
The programme and abstracts is available in PDF format.
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1.
Participation fee (which includes conference package): 50 EUR or 16,000 HUF
Payments due by 1th March 2019
Payment in EUR:
Name: University of Szeged
Bank name: Hungarian State Treasury
Bank address: H-1054 Budapest, Hold utca 4.
Bank account number (IBAN): HU79-1000-4885-1000-2010-0012-0335
Swift code: HUSTHUHB
Please write in the notice section: 14 14 1S918
Payment in HUF:
Name: Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Bank name: Magyar Államkincstár
Bank address: 1054 Budapest, Hold utca 4.
Bank account number: HU91-1002-8007-0028-2802-0000-0000
Please write in the notice section: 14 14 1S918
University of Szeged
H-6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1. Hungary