“Scientific Management” and Management Science Today

On the 100th anniversary of Frederick Winslow Taylor’s publication of “Principles of Scientific Management”, the University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will organize an international conference. Taylorism, since its introduction hundred years ago, generated heated debates and controversies with numerous supporters and criticizers. Taylor intended to use his scientific model for the benefit of all concerned parties. However, his famous line, namely that even an intelligent gorilla could be trained to do Schmidt’s job, actually refers to the dehumanization of the human work.

A range of questions hence arise, such as: Why Taylor’s ideas are coming up on the current management agenda? What arguments are brought up by Neotaylorism? Which of Taylor’s contributions still stand scientifically, and which ones should be unlearned by today’s researchers and practitioners? What are the new approaches that we need to focus on?

If you wish to join us to think about management science of the 21st century, you are welcome to participate at our conference.

The languages of the conference are English and Hungarian. Papers from all areas of management sciences are appreciated.

Selected English language papers will be published in the internationally indexed conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference.

Main Topics


  • Organization Theory
  • Organizations: from pyramids to networks
  • The sociology of organizations
  • Organizational performance assessment
  • Organizational psychology

Cultural and behavioural issues

  • Environmental and sustainability concerns
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Organizational culture
  • Leadership and motivation
  • Managing cultural diversity

Management practice

  • Human resources management
  • Quality management
  • Strategic management
  • Management consulting
  • Management competences; development and use
  • Knowledge management
  • Project management
  • Methodology issues
  • Education issues


Abstract submission:
30 July
Decision of acceptance:
22 August
03 October


  Registration fee Registration fee for Ph.D. students Registraion fee for one day Registraion fee for one day for Ph.D. students
Payment before 2011. 09. 25 185 € 140 € 95 € 75 €
Payment after 2011. 09. 25. until 2011. 10. 14. 230 € 175 € 115 € 95 €

Registration fee covers participation at the conference, conference proceedings, coffee breaks and lunch for both days, and a gala dinner.

One day registration includes everything above for one day except gala dinner.

Prices including VAT.

Fees have to be payed per attending person.

Please make your payment by bank transfer to:

Account Holder:
University of Szeged
Bank Name:
National Bank of Hungary
Bank Address:
H-1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 8-9.
HU91 10028007 00282802 00000000

with Reference: „1S180 1413” and the name of the participant.

Participants will receive the originally signed and stamped proof of payment at the registration desk.

Refunds will be made for written cancellations received up to the applicable registration deadline, less a processing fee. After that date no refunds will be made.


Beáta Vajda
+36 (62) 546-910
+36 (62) 544-146