Challenges in national and international economic policies

Challenges in national and international economic policies
2nd Central European PhD Workshop on Economic Policy and Crisis Management
Doctoral School in Economics, University of Szeged
23rd-24th March 2017, Szeged, Hungary


Economic policy-making can never be regarded as finished since policy setting is subject to constant change, and various new challenges come up from time to time. In 2017, there are numerous identifiable challenges: the European Union has been struggling and the concept of an ‘ever closer union’ appears to have been put on hold. The 2008 crisis and, in some cases, its mismanagement has brought about unintended but serious negative consequences in many countries. Monetary policy in the current low interest rate environment is to be reconsidered. Fiscal policies are facing constraints and opportunities at the same time while competition regulation has to deal with new actors of the digital and the global economy and the emerging business ecosystems built both on competition and cooperation, outside the established incumbents possessing of considerable market power. All these issues are intertwined with the fundamental economic policy question: how is the role of the state in relation to the economy changing, especially in terms of ownership, regulation, and control?

Our workshop targets these issues and is open to all PhD students from Central European doctoral schools, working in the fields of economic policy and crisis management. The workshop is held in parallel with the international workshop ‘European Economic Integration Theory Revisited’ organised by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged, and supported by the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES). Plenary sessions of the two workshops are held jointly and further cooperation among the two groups of participants will be realised. This offers PhD students a special training and provides an opportunity for interaction amongst senior and young researchers.

We invite papers that aim at a better understanding of the challenges in national and international economic policies, in particularly (but not restricted to) the following fields:

  • European integration,
  • lessons from crisis management strategies (comparative studies are especially welcome),
  • monetary policy entering a new era(?),
  • fiscal policy,
  • competition regulation,
  • changing role of the state.

Papers meeting high academic quality will, after review, be published in a book (with ISBN).


University of Szeged
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Kálvária sgt. 1. 6722 Szeged, Hungary

Important deadlines:

  • Abstract submission: 15 February 2017
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: 28 February 2017
  • Full paper submission: 20 March 2017

Payment details:

Participation fee (PhD students): 50 EUR

The Conference fee should be paid by bank transfer directly to:

Universitas-Szeged Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.
Short name:
Universitas-Szeged Nonprofit Kft.
Bank name:
Erste Bank Hungary Nyrt.
Bank address:
Hungary 6720 Szeged Széchenyi tér 1.
Bank account number:
HU15 1199 8006 0261 8359 0000 0000
Swift code:
Bank telephone number:

Scientific Committee:

  • Prof. Éva Voszka, Head of the Doctoral School in Economics, University of Szeged
  • Prof. Beáta Farkas, Head of Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations, University of Szeged
  • Dr. Anita Pelle, Jean Monnet Chair, University of Szeged

Further information and abstract submission:

University of Szeged
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
H-6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1. Hungary