Renewal of the European economic integration concept

13-14 April 2018
University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies

Since the 2008 global crisis the earlier promising trend of economic convergence has deteriorated in the European Union (EU). The speed of convergence has slowed down in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) member states, and convergence has in fact turned into divergence in the Mediterranean periphery. The emerging problems are addressed in different terms and contexts such as the imbalances within the Eurozone, the limits of the low-wage growth model in the CEE countries, core-periphery relations in the EU etc. Whatever approach is chosen, consequences are enormous for the concept of European integration overall.

In March 2017 a workshop was held at the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies to find new ways for theoretical framing. In April 2018 we continue the discourse on the future of the EU this time focusing on the perspectives of the less developed and/or more vulnerable member states. The emphasis will not only be on the exchange of views and experiences of invited distinguished experts but also on laying the foundation for future research cooperation. Presentations and discussions will be open to the participants of the 10th International Week of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration as well.

Venue: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1.

Registration deadline: April 10, 2018


13th April 2018

  • 9.00-10.00 Registration
  • 10.00-10.30
    Welcome address
    Péter Kovács, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
    Magdolna Sass, President of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies
    Beáta Farkas, Head of Department of Finance and International Economic Relations
  • 10.30-12.00
    Panel discussion 1
    Eurozone imbalances: structural roots in economic fundamentals and search for a way out
    Prof. Annamaria Simonazzi, Sapienza University of Rome
    Prof. Maks Tajnikar, University of Ljubljana
    Dr. Claudius Gräbner, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
  • 12.00-13.00 Buffet lunch
  • 13.00-14.30
    Panel discussion 2
    Changing role of FDI and development of domestic economies
    Dr. Gábor Hunya, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
    Dr. Magdolna Sass, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Science
    Prof. Miklós Szanyi, Director of Institute of World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Science and Professor of the University of Szeged
  • 14.30-15.00 Coffee break
  • 15.00-16.30
    Panel discussion 3
    Intra-EU migration: market equilibrium or agglomeration effect?
    Dr. Béla Galgóczi, European Trade Union Institute, Brussels
    Dr. Oldrich Krpec, Masaryk University, Brno
    Dr. Anita Pelle, University of Szeged
  • 16.30-17.00
    Coffee break
  • 17.00-18.30
    Panel discussion 4
    Institutional weaknesses in the southern and eastern periphery (innovation system, state capacity, education)
    Prof. Ion Imbrescu, West University of Timisoara
    Dr. Piotr Maszczyk, Warsaw School of Economics
    Dr. Stefano Solari, University of Padova
  • 19.00 Dinner (venue tbc)

14th April 2018

  • 9.00-10.30
    Panel discussion 5
    Renewed framework of the European integration concept
    Prof. István Benczes, Corvinus University of Budapest
    Prof. Urmas Varblane, University of Tartu
    Prof. Beáta Farkas, University of Szeged
  • 10.30-11.00 Coffee break
  • 11.00-12.00
    Cooperation in research (closed session for panel discussants)
  • 12.00 Buffet lunch