International Week 2019

11th International Week

2-5 April, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

If You wish to spend a week in a vivid international milieu, with the opportunity to both hold lectures and start new collaborations, as well as to enjoy a selection of relaxing and fascinating social programmes, join our 11th International Week at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, 2–5 April, 2019.

The particular aim of the programme is to provide our students – both international and Hungarian – with the opportunity to listen to courses delivered by visiting lecturers from our partner institutions, at the same time strengthening already existing, as well as preparing and designing new collaborations in teaching, research and project activities between our institutions.

We invite Your students as well to join and register for mini-courses and social events in the International Week.

Our guests are invited to participate in the following programmes:

  1. (1) Mini-courses held in the training programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (3-4-5 April, 2019)
    Basic aim of the programme is to convey academic experience for Hungarian and international students. Each mini-course includes 6 teaching hours.
  2. (2) Workshop I: Digitalization in the Classroom – Campfire format (2 April, 2019)
    During the workshop we invite our partners to share their experiences and good-practices in utilizing digital assets and methods in their courses. We all face with the challenges of involving the digital generation in our lectures so we take this opportunity to provide a platform for idea-sharing on this topic.
  3. (3) Workshop II: Collaborative International Learning – World café format (2 April, 2019)
    In the framework of the workshop, we invite our guests to share methodological best-practices in the context of international collaboration, involving examples of e.g. Virtual Exchange, Collaborative Online International Learning, Globally Networked Learning, Telecollaboration, Online Intercultural Exchange or other jointly run collaborative international learning projects. The workshop would also encourage the launching of new collaborations between the IW 2019 participants.
  4. (4) Social activities of various kinds
  5. (5) Accompanying event: Readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution in the European Union - 3rd workshop in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies

Participation in the programme is free of charge.

For further information, please, contact Dr Ildikó Pusztai-Varga:

We are truly looking forward to meeting You in Szeged.
Yours sincerely,

Dr Szabolcs Prónay
Assistant Professor
Director of External Relations
Dr Ildikó Pusztai-Varga
International Relations Manager