International Week 2024

Dear Colleagues,

If You wish to spend a week in a vivid international milieu, with the opportunity to both hold lectures and start new collaborations, as well as to enjoy a selection of relaxing and fascinating social programmes, join our 16th International Week at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, 8-12 April 2024.

The particular aim of the programme is to provide our students – both international and Hungarian – with the opportunity to listen to courses delivered by visiting lecturers from our partner institutions, at the same time strengthening already existing, as well as preparing and designing new collaborations in teaching, research and project activities between our institutions.

We invite Your students as well to join and register for mini-courses and social events in the International Week.

Our guests are invited to participate in the following programmes:

  1. Mini courses held in the training programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (8-12 April 2024)
    The basic aim of the programme is to convey academic experience for Hungarian and international students. Each mini course includes 6 teaching hours (+ 2 optional on-site evaluation hours).
  1. Szeged Walking Tour (9 April 2024; 14-16:00)
  1. Welcome Reception (8 April 2024; 18-21:00)

Held at the Faculty Main Building, Kálvária sgt. 1.

  1. Workshop I: Serious Games in Higher Education (9 April 2024; 10-11:00)

Presenters: Dr Beáta Udvari associate professor and Beáta Sikó PhD student, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Surveys at the Faculty of Economics in Szeged confirmed that students would prefer more practice-oriented learning methods that go beyond creating and delivering a presentation. Active learning elements (including project-based learning) can contribute to this. In the 21st century, digitalization gaining momentum affects all economies in the world, and it has become one of the most significant megatrends. Digital technologies fundamentally change the way we live, work and socialize, and we simultaneously live online and offline. Digital tools have become crucial elements in higher education. Thus, working with serious games in higher education would be essential. In this interactive workshop, we discuss the pros, cons and experiences of applying serious games in courses, and we aim to discuss what is necessary to be successful in using serious games in education.

  1. Survival Hungarian mini language course (9 April 2024; 11-12:00)
  1. Workshop II: BootCamp Design (9 April 2024; 14-15:30)

The workshop provides participants with the needed awareness on creating and managing impactful Bootcamps by going beyond the basics. It offers insights into theme selection, branding, planning, managing, and experience sharing. It starts by first understanding the essence of Bootcamps, such as Bootcamp dynamics, long-term and short-term benefits, and audience Identification. The workshop will then explore the art of crafting the perfect theme by explaining the factors influencing theme selection, aligning with industry trends and participant needs, innovation and relevance, and tailoring for Impact. Further, the workshop will address planning and managing Bootcamp, where the experience, team synergy, expert integration, real-world fusion, and recognition and certification are organized. Then, elaborate on the importance of fostering a learning community within the Bootcamp. Lastly, sharing our experiences and stories by presenting PSUT as a case study illustrating effective practical approaches and lessons learned.


  1. Workshop III: Challenged-based Business Education (10 April 2024; 14-15:30)
    Presenters: Dr. Lucia Hlavatá, Educational Developer, Centre for Scholarship and Teaching, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia; Dr Anita Kéri, assistant professor, Institute of Business Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Challenge-based Education (further used as CBE) sometimes referred to as Challenge-based learning is a framework that primarily found its potential in business when initiated at Apple. Currently, this framework found its place in the university curriculum while addressing local and global challenges that acquire complex knowledge and as well as develop so-called “21st -century skills” of our students. Therefore, it is one of the most empowering strategies used in collaborative learning, proving that learning can be deep, independent, engaging, and above others it allows students to seek knowledge not only within the university but also outside while reaching out to various external stakeholders, especially in business-oriented field.

The workshop hence aims to show a glimpse of the CBE framework, how it can be used in university curriculum, and what advantages and disadvantages it brings about. Participants of the workshop shall be able to familiarise themselves with the CBE methodology and its examples and evaluate its potential for their teaching context while being able to experience some of the elements that CBE consists of, directly during the workshop.

  1. Deans’ Workshop (10 April 2024; 14-16:00)
  1. Workshop IV: ReFa Project on Sustainable Fashion Industry (11 April 2024; 14-15:30)
    The clothing industry is considered the second most polluting industry in the world. In this regard, the difference between the developed and developing countries can be seen in a particularly striking way. In the "richer" part of the world, we often do not realize that behind the glamor of fashion there is often exploitation of the local communities or serious damage to the environment at certain stages of the supply chain. The purpose of the workshop is to reveal and raise awareness of these problems, and to start a common thinking towards possible solutions.
  1. Hungarian Cooking Experience (11 April 2024; 17-21:00)

Alsóvárosi Tájház, Nyíl utca 43.

Participation in the programme is free of charge.

Visitors living with disabilities find detailed information on accessibility features of our building at:

We are truly looking forward to meeting You in Szeged.

Yours sincerely,


Dr Ildikó Pusztai-Varga
Director of International Affairs

Dr Szabolcs Prónay
Associate Professor

Dr Anita Kéri
Assistant Professor

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The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty) invites applications for the position of teacher’s assistant for the second semester of the academic year 2024/2025. The aim of the teacher’s assistant application scheme is to promote the active participation of students in the teaching and research work of the Faculty.


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