Globalisation, integration, cooperation – what is at stake in the current turbulent times?
In 2024 Hungary, together with nine other fellow member states, is celebrating the 20th anniversary of EU accession. This is an occasion to evaluate the state of affairs in our country, in the EU, and in the whole world. In recent years, the previously solid cornerstones of economies and businesses worldwide have been challenged by geoeconomic and geopolitical shifts. Is globalisation turning into deglobalisation or slowbalisation? Is decoupling inevitable? Can integration in Europe and elsewhere, between countries and along value chains, continue? Or are disruption and disintegration trends to follow? Last but far not least, how are business networks evolving, and how are business relations affected by the current turbulent times?
We seek answers to these questions from the perspective of macroeconomic and microeconomic policies, international political economy, European integration theory, as well as international business. Therefore, we invite papers especially but not exclusively on the following topics:
Papers based on the approach of either economics, political economy or business studies are welcome.
Papers as well as panel proposals can be submitted.
The Conference provides a dedicated session for PhD students.
Selected papers will be published after a peer review process in an online proceeding with an ISBN number.
We prefer to meet personally to enhance the exchange of ideas. However, considering the possible economic difficulties, we also ensure online participation via the Big Blue Button platform.
H-6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1.
REGISTRATION is free of charge.
Please send your abstract using the provided template to
University of Szeged, H-6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1. Hungary