Challenges and Innovations in Statistics Education

Multiplier Conference of PROCIVICSTAT
Szeged (Hungary), September 7-9, 2017


Citizens need sophisticated ways of thinking in order to understand complex real social and economic phenomena and to interpret relationships among social and business data correctly. Huge amounts of data, data sources, and visualization tools provide an opportunity to illustrate complex relations with real data. At the same time, the misuse of these tools can lead to misinterpretations, and perhaps to poor decision making.

ProCivicStat, a strategic partnership of six universities funded through the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, is developing new methods for statistics instruction for high schools and universities that will contribute to young people’s ability to understand quantitative evidence about key social phenomena that permeate civic life. These materials use authentic large scale data on topics such as migration, quality of life, sustainable development goals, and social inequality, often presented in innovative ways.

The goal of the conference is for participants to learn about ProCivicStat materials and other relevant resources, to share their ideas and current practices, and work on Challenges and Innovations in Statistics Education.

Target audience

We cordially invite statistics educators, math teachers, teacher educators, and all educators who use statistics to attend.


  • Using real data in classes
  • IT & statistics: software, and databases
  • Information visualization: issues, trends, resources
  • Exploring social and economic phenomena in classes for statisticians and non-statisticians
  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning; exploring misuses of statistics
  • Innovative teaching & learning methods


  • Interactive sessions with ProCivicStat partners, other curriculum developers and data providers
  • Open classes: demonstration lessons with real students
  • Workshops and discussion forums


The Language of the conference will be English and Hungarian.

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