2024. September 11., Wednesday

menta health weboldalra

Counselling and mental health service

If you are experiencing problems that are affecting your studies or general wellbeing, we are here to help.

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration provides support for its full time and incoming exchange students. Following the counselling guidelines of the Student Counselling Centre of the University of Szeged (see http://www.eletv.u-szeged.hu/for-foreign-students), we provide five counselling sessions free of charge upon registration for the active full-time and exchange students of the Faculty.

Students may check in via this email: counselling.gtk@szte.hu

Following registration and a brief orientation, we will find an appointment as soon as possible. Our counselling service is strictly confidential thus no information will be passed to any third party. The language of the individual counselling sessions offered to foreign students is ENGLISH.

We kindly request you to send the following information when contacting us:

  • University Student ID (NEPTUN Code),
  • Faculty and field of studies, major
  • Mobile phone number,
  • A brief description of your problem: What would you like to change or find a solution to?

Issues you might like to discuss include: family matters, partner issues, career planning and career orientation, difficulties in the university studies, homesickness, cross cultural difficulties, failure of coping strategies, stress management, too much burden, loneliness, fears and anxieties, drug problems, time management problems, mental health issues, decision making difficulties.

Important information:

  • we provide 5 counselling appointments for free
  • one counselling appointment is 45-50 minutes long
  • please contact us at least 48 hours prior the appointment in case of not being able to attend
  • in case of 2 missed appointment without prior notice from the student, the counselling is cancelled

Whatever challenge or dilemmas you are facing, it always helps to share and talk about with a trained mental health counsellor. Remember, you are not alone.

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