International Week in Heidelberg

International Week in Heidelberg

On 8-12 October, the 9th International Week at SRH University Heidelberg was organized, where the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged participated as well.

Under the title of "World 4.0 - Connected and Interdependent" the event was supposed to bring together professors and students from all parts of the world to get to know each other and share their experience in academic terms. The program, overall, included opening and closing ceremonies, university courses, company visits, city sightseeing and other activities. Our faculty was represented by an extremely multinational team, namely Dr Ildikó Pusztai-Varga, Annie Ranjan from India, Ladeen Ghazal from Palestine, Mariem Cherragi from Morocco and me, Farid Huseynov from Azerbaijan, which grabbed the attention of others and made our stand of international tasting table the richest one!

It was just more than pleasure for me to spend my time in such a wonderful and fruitful way by participating in this program. Besides having a challenging academic week in a prestigous German university, SRH International Week contributed to me a lot from numerous aspects. First of all, I got familiar with a new academic community consisting of very helpful and professional staff which was amusingly international as well. Having a class about business development with Indian, Chilean and Belgian groupmates taught by a Polish professor in Germany was quite a fabulous feeling. The course developed my relevant knowledge, competences and skills of working in intercultural context and strengthened my overall world outlook. Visiting Opel headquarter in Rüsselsheim, seeing the car manufacturing process and meeting company officials was another amazing experience that made my week perfect. All these mean new friends, social connections and potential future opportunities on a worldwide scale as well.

On the other hand, we had several sightseeing trips in Heidelberg city which is known not only as a center of science and research, with an international reputation and vibrant multifaceted cultural scene, but also for its world-famous castle, Germany’s oldest university, and the romantic nooks and crannies of the Old Town. Of course, all these bunch of classes, company visits, sightseeing, events and other activities were well planned with the typical German punctuality, which would otherwise might be a bit difficult to make in 5 days. Enriching my university life with valuable memories and excellent experience, I am extremely thankful to all who participated in organizing this program and gave us a chance to take part!

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