The European Union’s contention in the reshaping global economy

EACES - University of Szeged - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

The 4th Conference in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies

20-21 May 2021
Szeged, Hungary
Online conference

Global economy has been going through severe changes in several dimensions recently. The long-term impacts of the corona virus pandemic and the ongoing technological innovations, the 4th industrial revolution may rearrange trade relationships and global value chains both inside and outside the European Union and may as well modify the role of the state. Signs of this process are already present in the Central and Eastern European countries. The perspectives of a US-China trade war alter from day to day. Due to growing awareness of climate change, the pressure on industry has increased - especially on automotive sector - to reduce environmental damages unexpectedly fast. The new situation requires new answers in the various fields of policies. The European integration has to respond to challenges after Brexit and before the long-delayed Western Balkan enlargement.

We call for papers that address the reshaping global economic landscape from the viewpoint of European integration and economies in the following topics:

  • technological development and innovation policy focusing on green and digital transformation
  • changing international economic relations
  • new business models
  • the future of financial services
  • European and national policy responses
  • changes in competition regulation

Papers based on the approach of either economics, political economy or business studies are welcome.

Papers and panel proposals can be submitted.

The Conference provides a separate session for PhD students.

Selected papers will be published after peer review process in an online proceeding with an ISBN number.

Keynote Speakers

Zsolt DarvasEuropean cohesion and the Next Generation EU instrument
Zsolt Darvas

Senior Fellow (Bruegel, Brussels)

Richard GrievesonRegional cooperation and European integration in the Western Balkans
Richard Grieveson

Deputy Director (WIIW: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Vienna)

Yuan ZhijaCatch-up-oriented innovation: a paradigm for latecomers to overtake frontrunners - The hint from China’s experiences
Professor Yuan Zhija

(Faculty of Economics, Rissho University, Tokyo)


6 April 2021
Abstract submission
12 April 2021
Notification of abstract acceptance
10 May 2021
17 May 2021
Full paper submission (optional)

PhD session:

6 April 2021
Abstract submission
12 April 2021
Notification of abstract acceptance
3 May 2021
Submission of paper in version suitable for discussant (compulsory)
10 May 2021
10 May 2021
Written evaluation of the paper
17 May 2021
Final paper submission (optional)

Programme and Abstract Book

The programme and abstract book is available here.

Organizing Committe

  • Prof. Beáta Farkas Head of the Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations
  • Prof. Éva Voszka Head of the Doctoral School in Economics
  • Dr. Anita Pelle Associate Professor, Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations
  • Dr. Marianna Sávai Lecturer, Secretary of the Doctoral School in Economics
  • Dr. Judit Juhász Assistant Research Fellow, Secretary of the Doctoral School in Economics
  • Bettina Ambrus Secretary of the Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations

Further Information

University of Szeged, H-6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1. Hungary

PhD Session

Ms. Judit Juhász

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