Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  News  --  News Archive  --  2013

Ecopol Economic Evenings

In the second semester of the 2012/2013 school year, the University of Szeged, Faculty of Economy and Business Administration, and the Szeged’s Youth Organisation of Hungarian Economic Association had started a session which has the name of „Ecopol Economic Evenings”. Within that there are three events, with three different topics, however all of them is connected to macroeconomics and/or macrofinances.

All of the events begins with a 45 minute long presentation, from someone who is a well-known expert in the field of the event, though the speciality of these events is that the participants have the opportunity to discuss problems with the lecturer, and also with each other.

The first of these session was held on the 2nd April by the Chairman of the Fiscal Council of Hungary, the professor of the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Adminsitration, Árpád Kovács.


In the first part of his presentation prof. Árpád Kovács described the current fiscal status of Hungary, he pointed out that there is no financing problem of the Hungarian budget, moreover there has been a great degrease in the budget deficit (which is currently 2%). „If we talk about the Hungarian Economy we must emphasize the export-relation to Germany and Austria. The total of the Hungarian export has nearly 42% in these two countries.” he said in the second part of the presentation.


The four most significant problem of the Hungarian economy - according to him- are:

  • The low rate of investment.
  • The low lending rate.
  • The high volume of fiscal expenditures.
  • And the public debt.


In the third and summarizing section he suggested, that Hungary should build the investors confidence back, encourage the foreign direct investment and the lending activity of commercial banks, and increase the efficiency of fiscal expenditures.


The next event will be held on the 17th April, and it’s topic will be the Crisis Management Strategy of The European Union’s Cohesion Countries – Dr. Farkas Beáta.
